I shopped early for Christmas
I’m sending this to Hillary and Huma
I’m sending this to Hillary and Huma
2 white guys and a black guy are the suspects. White guys??
Periodically we’re going to feature a song playlist by one of our readers. It’s chosen by lottery. We’ll do it again tomorrow. After I make a post asking for the [Read More]
Former NY Governor and presidential hopeful George Pataki
Tough to watch ht/ petrus
I don’t know why I do this to myself. This is going to require more work for me, but I think it’ll be worth it. Music seems to be very [Read More]
BlogTalkRadio is hosting a show that is calling for the death of white people and white cops.
There are twits are having a good time on Twitter over the benign emails released by the state department, emails about gefilte fish and outfits Huma picked out for Hillary [Read More]
Shouldn’t these people be punished? This isn’t Kreskin making a stupid prediction which would boost his appearance fees. This is a news outlet trying to influence public policy based on [Read More]
Mayor McWeave
Relatives of San Francisco woman ‘shot dead by undocumented immigrant’ sue the city’s sheriff for letting the gunman roam the streets Kathryn Steinle was allegedly shot in the back by [Read More]
HILLARY: "…if this is what #WikiLeaks can get, what can the Chinese or other able (sic) to secure?" 11/28/2010 pic.twitter.com/KnQDCSTZRf — Dan Gabriel (@danpgabriel) September 1, 2015
Clinton told Middle East envoy to send classified details from Italy's Foreign Minister to "my personal email." pic.twitter.com/4sPs7DsWjX — Rory Cooper (@rorycooper) September 1, 2015 Rory Cooper @rorycooper 1h1 hour [Read More]
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