An Old iOTWreport Friend Is Back To Agitprop/Photoshop/Blogging
Here’s a good one. You can figure out who they used to be by the byline on the posts.
Here’s a good one. You can figure out who they used to be by the byline on the posts.
Here’s our next offering.
ht/ @JasonChisel
Bad Language Alert – But It’s Warranted Video —>
American Progressives Just Got a Hard On ht/
Townhall – Liberals are outraged. No, it isn’t about Planned Parenthood sorting parts of babies in pie pans and selling them at a profit. And no, they aren’t outraged over [Read More]
Check out the date for their little Muslim soiree. Via Moonbattery ht/refuse/resist
Ya, me too –
Malignantly ugly Rosie O’Donnell proves she is ugly to the bone. Daily Mail- Comedian Rosie O’Donnell has been slammed as ‘thoughtless’ for dragging the name of a recovering drug addict into [Read More]
I love his answer. CNN- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker stumbled through a question Friday about whether he would meet with representatives of the Black Lives Matter movement. When asked whether [Read More]
Dozens of Clinton emails were ‘born classified’: Hillary sent and received messages with ‘foreign government information’ which is ALWAYS secret under security rules Reuters has examined Clinton emails put into [Read More]
Great video of a great artist committed to extending the tradition of penmanship. Click for video HT/ petrus
Give a description of the person which is conjured in your mind. Describe them as you would if you were giving a police description. 1 – Thug 2 – Tax [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.