Articles by BFH
John Kerry: Iran Doesn’t Want To ‘Wipe [Israel] Off The Map’
Daily Caller- John Kerry told The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg that he doesn’t believe Iran wants to “wipe [Israel] off the map.” Kerry said that President Obama’s proposed nuclear deal with [Read More]
Has Pat Caddell Had a Change of Heart?
Pat Caddell, the political pollster and consultant, once famously said “I hate i Own The World.” In fact, we proudly displayed it on our banner. This just in:
Investigative sources in California say that radical Muslims are planning to go on a rampage in the city of Los Angeles, killing anyone who is a U.S. citizen. Police officials [Read More]
And THIS is why Trump is a Billionaire
I want THIS GUY, thinking like this, in the oval office. After Gawker thought they were being clever and released Trump’s cell number, Trump simply recorded a campaign message and [Read More]
It’s this wench
Katie Couric
Man suing wife after seeing her without makeup for the first time
Yahoo- A man who saw his new wife for the first time without make up is reportedly SUING her for trauma, after being shocked at her appearance. The unnamed couple [Read More]
When Progs Speak Unfiltered
Kelly Osbourne felt comfortable amongst her own, so comfortable she just let the mush in her head spill out her gob hole. Watch as the fellow lefties are, at first, [Read More]
Where the White Women At?
ht. illustr8r
Anyone Going To Watch The Ten Man Debate Tonight?
Here’s the cut – Trump, Bush, Walker, Huckabee, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, Paul, Christie and Kasich. Fiorini and Perry go to the kid’s table for the 5pm debate. Pataki has to [Read More]
The Bookstore – By Jethro
So, I was walking through the mall and I saw that there was a Muslim bookstore. I was wondering what exactly was in a Muslim bookstore so I went in. [Read More]
Post Abortion Trauma
If you are interested in understanding some of the traumas involved with abortion I urge you to please watch the first 30 minutes of the video of a presentation given [Read More]
Dickish Durbin Won’t Say He Supports Kate’s Law
He says he doesn’t want to discriminate against people coming to America to realize their dream. (Even illegally.)
Perpetual Slinky Machine
Guy has a lot of free time.
de Blasio Administration Fines Indian Restaurant For Wanting To Hire Indian Waiter
It’s the ol’ ANTI-DISCRIMINATION thing. How come this fruitcake is always at the front desk of every faggy business in NYC? It’s never this guy-