UCLA vs The Superbug
LarryElder– Doctors at UCLA’s flagship hospital were baffled: A healthy 40-year-old woman had fallen deathly ill after a routine procedure. A long black scope had been threaded down her throat [Read More]
LarryElder– Doctors at UCLA’s flagship hospital were baffled: A healthy 40-year-old woman had fallen deathly ill after a routine procedure. A long black scope had been threaded down her throat [Read More]
WFB- President Barack Obama’s wedding ring was “noticeably missing” from his left hand on Sunday, according to a White House pool report. Obama, who was at Camp David in Maryland [Read More]
Daily Caller- “I, Andy Slavitt, hereby promise to continue my fraud on behalf of the government this time” Andy Slavitt — President Obama’s choice to manage Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid [Read More]
What a tool bag. Daily Mail- David Hlynsky ‘I went back again in 1989 and then to Moscow in 1990 specifically to photograph store windows. ‘What struck me was a [Read More]
ht/ jerry manderin
Congress passes 1st law restricting immigration. On August 3, 1882, the forty-seventh United States Congress passed the Immigration Act of 1882. It is considered by many to be “first general [Read More]
Our Google Doodle parodies were always a favorite of Thomas Lifson, editor of American Thinker. If you’re seeing this, Thomas, the return of this feature is for you. Click the doodle to see [Read More]
Not sure where the supervised part was– Update: 29-year-old Tremaine Wilbourn wanted for shooting of MPD Ofc. Bolton. $10K reward. http://t.co/bIMGIayOgo pic.twitter.com/ZUJh54owBz — Commercial Appeal (@memphisnews) August 3, 2015
Obama delivers a video that alerts all Americans – Your Time Is Over.
I wouldn’t feel so bad if we were both in on the fact that the entire Mars One project is a scam. But, assuming that these people believe Mars One is [Read More]
People’s World, a progressive rag, lays out the progressive mindset, one that makes Obama’s behavior completely understandable. Progressives Today (a conservative site that tracks progressive idiocy)- “Significant segments of our [Read More]
Everything is crumbling around them beneath their feet. A once thriving ethnic area now looks like a bombed-out war zone. There are 2 businesses left. Chaldeans settled here from Iraq, [Read More]
NBC- An Oklahoma widow and her daughter who spent their first Father’s Day without dad this year released balloons and a message at his grave site — and may have [Read More]
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