Articles by BFH
Feds spend $2m to have wives nag husbands
Since 2012 the government has spent nearly $2 million on a campaign to get women to nag the men in their lives to quit using smokeless tobacco.
Impish Filmmakers Set Out To Prove How Easy It Is To Manipulate the Media
Their experiment also proves how easy it is to have sold ©Manmade Global Warming. HT/ FiveFeetofFury CJR HOW MUCH CHOCOLATE DOES IT TAKE TO FOOL A JOURNALIST? Turns out not much. [Read More]
One of the Monsters Kills a Little Frankenstein
Remember when Ward Churchill called the people murdered in the WTC “little Eichmanns”? I never felt that was a very accurate characterization. But I am comfortable calling a fundraiser for progressives [Read More]
Straight flag
The flag depicts a man and a woman holding hands with three children, and under the image is the hashtag #realfamily in Russian Time – To oppose “gay fever,” Russia’s [Read More]
Oregon allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized sex-change operations
Fox The list of things 15-year-olds are not legally allowed to do in Oregon is long: Drive, smoke, donate blood, get a tattoo — even go to a tanning bed. [Read More]
Democrats Want To Eliminate the Terms Husband and Wife
Husband and wife are hurtful terms.
Civil War Veterans Perform the Rebel Yell
ht/ chris cassone
1/4 pounder, fries and a coke = $1.01
Hey, I want a coffee shake. What happened to that?
Cherokee People
Readers are going to have to learn the hard way that when they e-mail me good stuff it might end up as a post! This is from Sean Padraig- I [Read More]
Moronic Dems Display Wrong Flag During Floor Denouncement
The Hill House Democrats referenced the wrong Confederate flag Thursday during a debate over the controversial symbol. The actual Confederate battle flag had 13 stars, one for each of the states that seceded [Read More]
My son was marked down 5 percent on a high school health test because he chose this "incorrect" definition of family. — Will Saletan (@saletan) July 8, 2015 According [Read More]
There was a time when we knew this prom picture was a joke
Are we so sure anymore?