BFH – Page 2176 – IOTW Report

Straight flag

Friday, 10 July 2015, 2:00 BFH 12

The flag depicts a man and a woman holding hands with three children, and under the image is the hashtag #realfamily in Russian Time – To oppose “gay fever,” Russia’s [Read More]

Cherokee People

Thursday, 9 July 2015, 21:16 BFH 35

Readers are going to have to learn the hard way that when they e-mail me good stuff it might end up as a post! This is from Sean Padraig- I [Read More]


Thursday, 9 July 2015, 8:51 BFH 23

My son was marked down 5 percent on a high school health test because he chose this "incorrect" definition of family. — Will Saletan (@saletan) July 8, 2015 According [Read More]

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