Articles by BFH
Advice For Attending a Gay Wedding
So glad black people did this video. It explains the lack of backlash. It’s pretty damn funny. ht/ doc
Flagging HT/ Moe Tom
The NYTs explains why they run imagery offensive to Judeo-Christians but not images offensive to Muslims.- “[L]et’s not forget the Muslim family in Brooklyn who read us and is offended by any [Read More]
Confederate Flag Parade: “God Don’t Like Ugly” – anonymous black videographer
This video was sent in by Sean Padraig, a tipster who really took offense to the narrator’s vulgar voice-over. The videographer is amazed that this parade would be allowed, not [Read More]
“This is about redistribution of power and wealth, it’s not about bringing the races together” – Jesse Lee Peterson
Jesse Lee Peterson says the left is simply exploiting the Roof shooting to weirdly justify the removal of all confederate flags, and not for the purposes of “healing and bringing [Read More]
Thank you SCOTUS
ht/ jerry manderin
Confederate Flag Swiper Has Been On the Pole Before
Usually she was nekkid, though. BREE NEWSOME WAS A STRIPPER.… Jason Chisel –
‘Black Lives Matter’ protesters disrupt Chicago gay parade
“Rainbows are just reflected white light”
Slow Down There With the Charges of Racism… We Have Angry Gays in the Mix
The media is quick to say these fires are by racists. Why can’t these church fires be the work of angry gay people over what the pastors have said about [Read More]
27 Rock Performers That Died at the Age of 27
Okay, the soup gets thin towards the end of the list. But the 27 CLUB seems to be pretty substantial. JIMI HENDRIX – alcohol and sleeping pills KURT COBAIN – self-inflicted [Read More]