BFH – Page 2197 – IOTW Report

These Things Come in Threes

Thursday, 2 April 2015, 23:39 BFH 20

First the Pet Rock guy dies. Then the creator of the Pillsbury Doughboy goes. Who’s next? The inventor of Silly String? Newser– The former Chicago ad man who invented the Pillsbury [Read More]

Life is Like a Box of Douchebags

Thursday, 2 April 2015, 15:37 BFH 0

I’m sure Tom Hanks is proud of his little “gangsta.” Howard Stern has been making fun of Tom Hanks’ wannabe gangsta rappin’ son, Chet Haze (Chester Hanks.) So Chet took [Read More]

K-Mart Brown Light Special

Thursday, 2 April 2015, 14:48 BFH 0

Cardigan update – Smoking Gun–A Wisconsin woman who went to Kmart to return merchandise left behind a repulsive surprise for workers, according to police. Melissa Jacobson, 49, was busted [Read More]


Thursday, 2 April 2015, 13:10 BFH 0

True Facts: iOTWreport would not be what it is if it were not for Cardigan. (Hmmm, that’s one of those statements that can be taken 2 ways, isn’t it?)  

Islamic Problem

Thursday, 2 April 2015, 8:45 BFH 0

(author unknown) And Jesus died for each one of these people…. The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim The Beltway Snipers were Muslims The Fort Hood Shooter was a Musli The underwear [Read More]

Monica Lewinsky to The View?

Wednesday, 1 April 2015, 20:45 BFH 31

DailyMail EXCLUSIVE: Who needs Rosie O’Donnell? Monica Lewinsky tapped by Barbara Walters to bring the mojo back to The View and make it the ‘runaway success’ it once was

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