Articles by BFH
What’s with the training wheels? ht/ mja
Woman Stabbed By Husband After Remark About the Size of His Cucumber
Huff Poop Suman Vaz, 38, is said to have been cutting a cucumber in her kitchen while husband Ganpat chopped vegetables, CEN reports. Friendly jibes about his cooking skills soon turned sour [Read More]
Via Rebel Mouse
2 Thugs Try To Mug One of the Famed MMA Gracie Family
Big mistake. The Gracies will probably take you, unarmed, in a knife fight. You might not do so well with a gun. Renzo (he’s no Royce, but good enough) Gracie Issues [Read More]
The Economy Will Now Start To Recover Despite Our Idiot-In-Chief
Thank big oil. As Obama and Biden mocked the republican plan of “drill baby drill,” and threw every bit of their weight towards pie-in-the-sky “renewables,” the oil and natural gas [Read More]
Police in New Orleans Urging People To Travel in Packs
People have to travel in packs around New Orleans because, you know, the police are going to assault them and shoot them. That’s the crisis we have in America, not [Read More]
Boy Desperate For Father Figure Mistakingly Signs up For Hunting Trip 700 Hundred Miles Away
The boy saw a hunting trip being organized on Facebook for Chester. So he wrote to the man to ask if he could come because he didn’t have a father [Read More]
Finally, I Can Say "I HOPE YOU GET CANCER!" Guilt Free
Dr. Dick Smith – Absolute sh!thead The Daily Mail- Dr Richard Smith says it may be a ‘romantic view’, but cancer gives people a chance to say goodbye to their [Read More]
Elly May Goes To the Great Cement Pond in the Sky
Donna Douglas – RIP I just watched her famous Twilight Zone episode last night.
Obama Goes All-In With NoKo, Blaming Them For Cyber Hack
Fox The Obama administration on Friday imposed a wave of sanctions against members of the North Korean government, amounting to the U.S. government’s first official response to the cyber-attack against [Read More]
Harry Reid Severely Injured in Gym Accident. Is It Illegal To Laugh??
Is it illegal to root for a turn for the worse? WAPO Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) was injured Thursday in an exercise-related accident, but is expected to [Read More]