Articles by BFH
Video of Bergdahl Exchange
Imminent ill health issues????????????????????? The traitor looks fine. And I love how the Muzzie-5 gets delivered in a stretch limo. UPDATE: It seems the server that hosted this video is [Read More]
Screencap Purportedly Shows Bergdahl Exchange
Follow Anis@TheBlogPirate FULL VIDEO HERE
1 year ago – Jay Carney lied
Former Congressman Joe Walsh found this:
Mohammad Fazl Mohammad Nabi Abdul Haq Wasiq Mullah Norullah Nori Khairullah Khairkhwa If, somehow, any one of these five guys successfully organized a terror attack on a major city in [Read More]
Protecting America from MERS and other Biological Threats
The Conversation Posted with permission of the authors William J Parker III, PhD and Maryellen Meymarian, JD The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued statements of concern and posted warnings at [Read More]
The Post-Achievement Politics of Obama and Hillary
CFP Occasionally someone pranks an unwitting MSNBC panelist or a bunch of teenagers by asking them to name a single Hillary accomplishment. Even though Hillary has piled up more awards [Read More]
Q & A With Bret Baier
The Fox News Special Report anchor, Bret Baier, appeared this weekend on C-SPAN’s Q & A to discuss his new book Special Heart. Mr. Baier is making the rounds right [Read More]
16 Year-Old Nails Nancy Pelosi – Captured on Video
16 year-old Andrew Demeter of Cleveland, Ohio confronted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on why she supports the NSA’s unconstitutional metadata collection activities. The results are awkward and fantastic. [Read More]
Full Disclosure: Did Government’s Experiment on Preemies Hide Risks?
The Daily Signal The government-backed study is called SUPPORT, which stands for “Surfactant, Positive Airway Pressure, and Pulse Oximetry Randomized Trial.” The experiment was conducted at 23 academic institutions from 2005 [Read More]
Tea Party McDaniel has nosed in front 49.7 percent to Old GOP Cochran
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No, Algoreans, Carbon Dioxide Won’t Cause Famines
EPA Abuse Historian Geoffrey Parker is the author of Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the 17th Century. In a recent opinion piece, he suggested that the desperate climate from 1600 [Read More]
Is this stupidity, ignorance? Please, someone tell me.
Great Pollowitz of National Review Online is upset that people are attacking Bob Bergdahl. Ed Morrissey of Hot Air, and John Nolte of Breitbart, seconded his emotion. Maybe these [Read More]