Articles by BFH
‘A cover up just like Benghazi’
hotlanta mike – Outraged parents of officer who died hunting for ‘deserter’ POW Bergdahl lash out at Obama over ‘LIES’ they were told about how their hero son died Lt [Read More]
ICYMI: Minimum wage policy backfires in Seattle
Via Instapundit “Are you happy with the $15 wage?” I asked the full-time cleaning lady. “It sounds good, but it’s not good,” the woman said. “Why?” I asked. “I lost [Read More]
Canadian Gays Seek to Bar Christians from Practicing Law
Gay Patriot Up North in America’s Hat, gay activist groups are pressuring the Government to effectively deny Christians the right to practice law; the first step to barring Christians from participation [Read More]
Corrine Brown (D-FL) Is Grandstanding About Grandstanding
Corrine ‘Go Gata!’ Brown
Looking For Further V.A. Scandal Information To Post – Can’t Find Any
Lindsey Graham Cracks His Wet Noodle Whip- “Obama Released The Taliban Dream Team”
Lindsey urged Carl Levin to hold immediate hearings on the prison swap. The Hill Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has called on Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) to [Read More]
Reality Programming Possibilities
Diogenes’ Middle Finger Middle Finger News Service in Negotiations for Possible Reality Program Network New Orleans, La. – The Middle Finger News Network today announced it’s intentions of pursuing new [Read More]
Bob Bergdahl now tweeting for more Guantanamo releases
h/t Cakes Twitchy
Red flags all over the Bergdahl swap
The Conversation In response to American Soldier Held Captive By Taliban Since 2009 Freed in Swap: This whole deal is bristling with red flags. Let’s start off with the title of [Read More]
Tapper – No Ticker Tape Parade For Deserter Bergdhal
If the truth is revealed, that this Bowe character is a deserter and cost American lives (in the immediate search effort), this will be the next discussion – [poll id=’176′]
Ohio’s ‘Toledo Blade’ [Which endorsed Obama twice] shaves Jobs
Big Journalism ‘TOLEDO BLADE’ CLOSES PRINTING FACILITY, AXES 130 UNION JOBS Starting August 1, the left-wing Ohio newspaper, The Toledo Blade, intends to lay off about 130 of its unionized employees due to [Read More]
EPA Gives Obama Cap and Trade
When Democrats failed to pass a cap and trade energy law in 2010 it wasn’t the end of the nightmare. The EPA will soon exceed its authority and require a [Read More]
Obama Didn’t Break the Law Because Bergdahl “Wasn’t a Hostage He Was a Prisoner” – Jay Worm
So, a political movement/terrorist organization that hasn’t been in power since 2001 has been given state status by the U.S…. interesting.