Dr. Tar – Page 675 – IOTW Report

Unmasking the Unmaskers

Thursday, 1 June 2017, 13:15 Dr. Tar 9

The House Intel Committee has issued subpoenas to former U.N. Ambassador Samantha Powers and the only known person to lie more than Obama, Susan Rice. The subpoenas are in relation to the committee’s investigation [Read More]

Amazon Just Suggested I Buy This

Thursday, 1 June 2017, 12:00 Dr. Tar 50

For some reason,  Amazon seems to think I’d want this at the beginning of June.  Feel free to leave a comment about the product (while you can). Here

Her Future’s So Bright…

Tuesday, 30 May 2017, 15:30 Dr. Tar 29

Hillary marched in Chappaqua’s, NY Memorial Day parade in now famous blue blocker sunglasses. The shade of blue, for most, is not a fashion choice, but a necessity for wearers to [Read More]

Now We’re All Playing By Their Rules

Tuesday, 30 May 2017, 0:00 Dr. Tar 15

Kurt Schlicher’s column today is not some much about the Gianforte (R-MT) body slam, but the end of allowing the left to continually apply the double standard to their opposition. Here

Who Should I Be Listening To?

Monday, 29 May 2017, 17:30 Dr. Tar 24

The Boston Globe is backing Elisabeth Warren (MA-D) who has authored a bill that would allow hearing aids to be bought over-the-counter. Those backing the bill say that it would lower [Read More]

Tiger Got Tanked

Monday, 29 May 2017, 15:00 Dr. Tar 29

Tiger Woods got pulled over earlier this morning in Jupiter, FL and was arrested for a DUI. He was released later this morning, but not before his mug shot made the [Read More]

Yahoo News Stinks

Sunday, 28 May 2017, 18:30 Dr. Tar 16

From the title of the piece “Jared Kushner’s Growing Stench of Treason” to the lack of any substance to the charge, the article featured today on Yahoo News from Foreign [Read More]

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