Congressional Repubs Contemplate ZombieCare
Instead of “Repeal and Replace” for Obamacare, Republicans in Congress are considering “Repeal and Delay” up to three years. This would give them more time to come up with [Read More]
Instead of “Repeal and Replace” for Obamacare, Republicans in Congress are considering “Repeal and Delay” up to three years. This would give them more time to come up with [Read More]
Kate Steinle was shoot on Pier 14 in San Francisco by illegal alien criminal Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez last summer. The weapon used was stolen out of the car of a BLM [Read More]
This video is a challenge, and you only have one opportunity to see it before your challenge is over. Pay attention. Watch the entire video, it’s “triggering.”
I saw video of them parading Castro’s ashes around the streets of Havana this morning and it struck me as pathetically hilarious. More The term “dustbin of history” comes to [Read More]
I’ll take “A Christmas Story” every time. You can watch “It’s A Wonderful” on continuous loop on Christmas day. Vanity Fair gives the 1983 classic an enjoyable salute Here
Count all the black dots you see at one time. A short video on what is going on with what you think you see in optical illusions Watch This article has a [Read More]
While the Standing Rock protestors were probably glad “hippie” outsiders showed up to join their fight against the North Dakota Access Pipeline, the wannabe friends of the earth have worn out their welcome. More [Read More]
This painting is credited to Garry Hurley and it’s suppose to be a statement on Trump supporters. Salem State University included as part of it’s fall art show but officials at the [Read More]
Some may think it’s a minor issue to replace saying “Merry Christmas” with “Happy Holidays,” Dennis Prager explains why it’s not. Watch
The Gardner, Kansas police department set up a game camera in a local park to see if indeed a mountain lion had taken up residence. What they recorded was more [Read More]
2016 was the 50th time the Swedish town of Gävele erected a 43-foot tall straw goat to celebrate Christmas. Unfortunately, for the 38th time it was burned to the ground on [Read More]
We’re fighting back. The left went into defense mode this week as Turning Point USA posted 200 names and linked articles to professors in American colleges that ““discriminate against conservative [Read More]
Having been born and raised in the same county as the terrible wild fires, also home to the Dollywood DreamMoore Resorts, country music legend, Dolly Parton has formed the “My People Fund” [Read More]
Utilizing The Netherland’s assisted suicide laws, alcoholic Mark Langedijk applied to the state to end his life by lethal injection. On July 14th a doctor came to his house and ended his life. The [Read More]
The first large scale trail of an HIV vaccine begins in South Africa today. The study is being conducted on 5,400 men and women over a four year period. The [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.