Dr. Tar – Page 755 – IOTW Report

Why National Review Missed the Mark

Friday, 22 January 2016, 20:15 Dr. Tar 22

Breitbart’s John Nolte explains why National Review’s coordinated attempt to end Donald Trump’s presidential run landed with such a resounding thud. Here

Bye, Bye Miss American Pie

Friday, 22 January 2016, 17:15 Dr. Tar 22

Singer, song writer Don Mclean was arrested earlier this week on a domestic-violence charge.  Now his wife has a restraining order against him after accusations of years of abuse.   More Now [Read More]

Planet Nine in Outer Space

Thursday, 21 January 2016, 17:30 Dr. Tar 9

The Caltech scientist who lead the campaign to demote Pluto, Mike Brown, claims to have found evidence of a planet “10 to 20 times farther away than Pluto” and the size [Read More]


Thursday, 21 January 2016, 17:00 Dr. Tar 20

A self-proclaimed “Conservative” at “The Week” thinks Hillary deserves some sympathy for the difficult hand life has dealt her. Here

Drink Up, Dems

Thursday, 21 January 2016, 13:15 Dr. Tar 8

It’s so predictable, whenever there is a disaster caused by Democrats, they scramble for a way to put the blame on a Republican or a corporation. Case in point, the Flint [Read More]

Fears For the Reaper

Wednesday, 20 January 2016, 17:45 Dr. Tar 17

The Air Force’s top of the line drone, the Reaper, has an electrical problem that is causing an alarming number of crashes with the $14 million remotely-controlled hunter-killer. They’re having to scale [Read More]

Pick Your Poison, Hillary

Wednesday, 20 January 2016, 16:15 Dr. Tar 21

Two items in the news recently are seriously threatening the inevitable coronation of Hillary Clinton to be the Democrat’s nominee for President. First, the e-mail scandal just got ratcheted up a [Read More]

Bad Spelling Can Be Costly

Wednesday, 20 January 2016, 13:15 Dr. Tar 13

A 10 year-old Muslim schoolboy, taking a test in Lancashire, UK, was asked where he lived. That’s when all hell broke out.

Obama’s Atrocious Legacy

Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 18:30 Dr. Tar 6

The Federalist contributor M.G. Oprea believes that Obama’s incessant reliance on the hollow sound bite in order to try and dominate the daily news cycle will ultimately cost him a meaningful lasting legacy. [Read More]

Parliament Beclowns Itself

Tuesday, 19 January 2016, 13:30 Dr. Tar 7

Britain’s revered institution of democracy, the House of Commons, made a spectacle of itself by holding a debate on whether to ban Donald Trump from their country. The members of Parliament [Read More]

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