Chuck Norris vs. Communism
They aired a nice little docudrama on why Communism sucks on PBS this week. It depicts how a group of Romanian entrepreneurs snuck Western movies into Ceausescu’s repressive nation and allowed the slaves [Read More]
They aired a nice little docudrama on why Communism sucks on PBS this week. It depicts how a group of Romanian entrepreneurs snuck Western movies into Ceausescu’s repressive nation and allowed the slaves [Read More]
Israeli scientists are excited that they’ve created a robot as small as a locust and able to jump like one as well. Next their working on giving the thing [Read More]
Two Milwaukee TV stations refused to air a pro-life ad during the morning and evening news. The stations were willing to run it in the 10:00 pm – 4:00 am time slot. The same [Read More]
According to Darcy Olsen, author of “Right to Try“, if you have a terminal condition you can apply to the Food and Drug Administration to be allowed an unapproved drug [Read More]
In her first column for The Conservative Review, new Senior Editor Michelle Malkin explains just how expansive Obama’s foreign workers jobs program is going to be in the next year. [Read More]
The seventh row of the periodic table has finally been filled out with the acceptance of four new unstable elements: ununtrium (Uut, atomic number 113) , ununpentium (Uup atomic number 115), [Read More]
Just as the beginning of WWII depends on who you ask ( Europeans will say September 1939 the Chinese will say 1937), the start of the War Among the Muslims is going to be [Read More]
Former Democrat and current New Hampshire State Representative, Katherine Prudhomme O’Brien confronted Hillary Clinton over the treatment of the Clinton’s of Juanita Broderick, one of Bill’s rape victims. Watch State [Read More]
“Instead of blaming guns, why don’t you shoot terrorists?” Watch
Among the 15 statistics in this article from to destroy the liberal narrative are hard truths about race relations, Obamacare, Social Welfare programs, homosexuality and immigration. More
I’m posting a recent opinion piece by L.A. Times “contract reporter,” Dexter Thomas. I suggest that for a more accurate reading, where ever he writes White replace it with Black and [Read More]
Two weeks after Hillary Clinton lied about Islamic extremist using Donald Trump in their recruitment videos, the terrorist group Al-Shabaab did just that. Of course, the leftist media is leaping [Read More]
The annual list is Here
I must have reacted the same way. Watch the joy Here
Back in October, residents around the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility began complaining of feeling sick and smelling rotten eggs. Turns out the underground containment unit had suffered a massive [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.