Articles by Dr. Tar
Cruz and Paul in Agreement on PP
This is the kind of cooperation and statesmanship we need more of in Washington. Senators Ted Cruz (TX-R) and Rand Paul (TN-R) are in agreement on defunding Planned Parenthood.
Walker Turns Table on Ambush by Illegals
In an attempt to embarrass Governor Scott Walker (WI-R) while on the stump in Iowa, Voces de la Frontera shipped in a family of illegals to demand that he not [Read More]
Charlie Hebdo Surrenders
In an interview with the German magazine Stern, one of the surviving cartoonist for the French satirical, Charlie Hebdo, announced that they will no longer draw Muhammad.
Timing is Everything
What if I told you the very same joke Donald Trump made about John McCain was already made a long, long time ago?
Muslim Americans – Oxymoron?
A recent poll of Muslims in the United States indicate some disturbing indications that the “melting pot” isn’t making much of a dent on their culture.
Empire State Building Goes Muslim Green
In recognition of the end of Ramadan, one of the great Icons of NYC, the Empire State Building, was lit up in Green.
A fast moving wildfire swept across a California highway, burning 20 cars. Fortunately, no drivers were injured. Air units that could have been dispatched to quash the flames were delayed [Read More]
The Kleins Raise Enough Dough To Stay In The Fight
The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron and Melissa Klein, have been able to raise in excess of $380,000 (according to Continue to Give) in order to meet the [Read More]
Hitchbot Wants to See America
A couple of assistant professors in communications from Canadian created a freeloading robot that is expecting travelers to help it hitchhike from Boston to San Francisco.
I Can’t Believe You Think That Taste Like Bacon!
There’s a new superfood that promoters claim “taste just like bacon.” It’s a red seaweed called dulse. It grows wild along both the East and West Coast and is said to have [Read More]
Prof Proves Her Tenure Should Go Poof
University of Wisconsin Professor Sara Goldrick-Rab is very upset that the state has removed tenure protection as a state statute (Wisconsin was the only state with this unique provision). She [Read More]
Playground, of the 21st Century!
The U.S. Forest Service has put out bids to buy equipment for a new playground at the Piney Campground in TN. According to the specs all the equipment must have [Read More]
Wisconsin’s Star Chamber Official Closed
The State Supreme Court of Wisconsin this morning ruled 4-2 that the John Doe II investigation is to stop, all evidence gathered to be returned and copies of evidence destroyed. [Read More]
Whoopi Finally Bails on Cosby
Tuesday, one of the last hold outs for Bill Cosby, Whoopi Goldberg finally jumped ship against the accused serial rapist stating “It looks bad, Bill,” she said. “Either speak up [Read More]