DML: History was made when the people of the UK voted today to leave the European Union. The “Leave” movement was given the nickname, “BREXIT.” The newly formed word BREXIT [Read More]
DML: History was made when the people of the UK voted today to leave the European Union. The “Leave” movement was given the nickname, “BREXIT.” The newly formed word BREXIT [Read More]
NBP: When British voters chose to leave the European Union Thursday night, they weren’t just voting against Brussels’ immigration policies, they were also voting against Europe’s growing list of green [Read More]
(CNSNews.com) – During an event at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on Thursday to discuss how women are disproportionately affected by climate change in developing countries, Jane Harman, president and [Read More]
FOX […] “My job right now as a candidate is to fight to make sure that the Democratic Party not only has the most progressive platform in the history of [Read More]
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — The Pennsylvania governor’s personal touch doesn’t always get him very far. Second-year Gov. Tom Wolf likes to dial his own phone calls, but the Democrat is [Read More]
StarTelegram: Over children’s petitions and voters’ protests, the City Council has voted to fire Browser the library cat. But the book-loving feline may yet have another life. His friends and [Read More]
LOS ANGELES (AP) — I’ve jumped out of a plane from 13,000 feet. I’ve ridden 400-foot-tall roller coasters that top speeds of 100 mph, and I once found myself using [Read More]
DETROIT (AP) — A Boston terrier named Mr. Pigglesworth is as frisky as ever — and the Michigan veterinarian who saved the dog’s life on a reality TV show has [Read More]
Caracas Chronicles: So this is what the Pendejo Sin Frontera defense of the revolution has come to: sure, things in Venezuela are bad, but it’s not cataclysmic. That’s what passes for regime propaganda [Read More]
Maybe she intended to do it this way. But it comes off looking as it anything they put on that teleprompter, Shrillary will read… Judge for yourself- Video @ Moonbattery
TVP: A Chesapeake man is facing a felony charge after a 16-year-old girl reported she was recorded without her consent in a dressing room of a Greenbrier Old Navy clothing [Read More]
TVP: The anxiety that crept in the night before Darla Grese and Kelli met melted away soon after the two came face to face in a Portsmouth shopping center. There, [Read More]
AP: MANTEO, N.C. — Archaeologists on North Carolina’s Roanoke Island found pottery pieces that could have been part of a jar belonging to a medicine maker of the Roanoke Island [Read More]
IJR—An Arizona Democratic state representative is in big trouble with the law and, it turns out, where she allegedly committed her crimes is of great interest to her political rivals. [Read More]
CounterJihad: Though CAIR brands itself as a human rights advocacy group, the organization also presents itself as a civil rights legal advocacy group, collecting generously from that business through hefty retainers and legal [Read More]
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