FBI reportedly paid hackers to crack Syed Farooks phone
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MSN: SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A well-known social media journalist was sentenced to two years in federal prison Wednesday after he was convicted of conspiring with the hacking group Anonymous to [Read More]
FOX Sports: No one outside of maybe Bryce Harper made more headlines in baseball than Adam LaRoche did this spring. The on-again, off-again drama with LaRoche and his son Drake became [Read More]
Linkedin: We at GE were interested to read comments Monday by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who told the New York Daily News editorial board that GE is among the companies that [Read More]
Moonbattery: Patriotic children’s author Amelia Hamilton has produced happier versions of classic fairy tales by introducing the defensive use of firearms. From Little Red Riding Hood (Has a Gun): Taking [Read More]
On a trampoline h/t Rob.
A Syrian asylum seeker has confessed to setting fire to a refugee center in Western Germany and also to painting swastikas on its walls.
CFP: Barack and Michelle Obama and have pushed hard for years to have backdoor gun control. They use Mental Health Evaluations as their puppet show from hell to destroy more and [Read More]
DETROIT (AP) — Detroit Public Schools officials say elevated lead or copper levels have been found in 19 schools amid ongoing testing.
DailyWire: The administration at the University of Toronto was recently enlightened on why two separate washrooms are generally established for men and women sharing co-ed residencies. The University is temporarily changing [Read More]
… as he doesn’t use toilet paper for Islamic ‘cultural reasons’
The fourteenth issue of the Islamic State’s propaganda magazine Dabiq, lists 22 Western Muslim leaders as “Imams of Kufr” who should be killed… Mohamed Elibiary, Arif Alikhan, Rashad Hussain, Keith [Read More]
You Say Scandal, Hillary Clinton Says ‘Security Review’ | SUPERcuts! #316
WATCH 1,200 PEOPLE BREAK A HUMAN DOMINOES WORLD RECORD. ElleDecor: The only thing better than getting home and crashing on a cozy mattress: Crashing on one at work for a record-breaking game of [Read More]
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