MJA – Page 4014 – IOTW Report

The Hillary Clinton Pander Tour

Monday, 9 November 2015, 16:15 MJA 20

PatriotRetort- I’m not sure you’re aware of this — what with all the hard-hitting character assassination stories of Ben Carson swirling around — but Hillary Clinton has been on what [Read More]


Monday, 9 November 2015, 15:20 MJA 5

via Sober in a Nightclub

Blacktivists turn on Shaun King

Monday, 9 November 2015, 13:30 MJA 13

BigJournalism […] As of this weekend, there’s yet another scandal engulfing journalist and activist Shaun King, the man Breitbart revealed was presenting himself as a biracial leader to the Black Lives Matter movement [Read More]

Gilmore: ‘I’m not getting out’

Monday, 9 November 2015, 9:30 MJA 6

[Bless his heart. I forgot he was in the race!] Republican presidential candidate Jim Gilmore says he isn’t sure which candidate will drop out of the Republican presidential primary race [Read More]

ISIS Now Has Spy-Free Communications

Monday, 9 November 2015, 8:45 MJA 2

“The new frontier of jihadi communication is taking place on a Telegram – a recently launched messaging platform that has revolutionized the social media sphere, and at least for now [Read More]

Sigh, Canada

Sunday, 8 November 2015, 16:00 MJA 6

Half Of The New Canadian Cabinet Members Chose To Skip “So Help Me God” In Their Oaths Of Office.

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