Gilmore: ‘I’m not getting out’ – IOTW Report

Gilmore: ‘I’m not getting out’

[Bless his heart. I forgot he was in the race!]

jim gilmore republican 2016

Republican presidential candidate Jim Gilmore says he isn’t sure which candidate will drop out of the Republican presidential primary race next, but the former governor of Virginia does know he won’t be the one.

More at Washington Examiner

6 Comments on Gilmore: ‘I’m not getting out’

  1. His campaign is spending a buck thirty eight a week and he put in twenty bucks out of his wallet last Friday so he can go at least another fifteen weeks and still buy a Happy Meal.

  2. Who? Generally speaking, GOPe donors and Chamber of Commerce cronies.

    He’ll drop out exactly when they tell him to; he’s “in” only to siphon off Virginian votes for !Cheb!, anyway.

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