Authorities Close Investigation Into Wisconsin Hate Crime, Say No Evidence It Occured – IOTW Report

Authorities Close Investigation Into Wisconsin Hate Crime, Say No Evidence It Occured

WFB: Authorities closed an investigation into an alleged Wisconsin hate crime on June 24, saying they failed to find any evidence that 18-year-old Althea Bernstein was the victim of a racist arson attack, as she claimed.

Bernstein made national headlines on June 24 alleging that four white men in Madison lit her on fire, leaving her with burns on her neck and face. The men, she said, had directed a racial slur at her before throwing lighter fluid on her face. The incident was covered by national outlets from CNN to NBC News.

But federal authorities now say that they were unable to corroborate the details of her claims.

“After reviewing all available evidence, authorities could not establish that the attack, as alleged by the complainant, had occurred,” U.S. attorney Scott Blader said in a Friday statement. A statement from Madison’s chief of police stated that “detectives were unable to corroborate or locate evidence consistent with what was reported.” keep reading

20 Comments on Authorities Close Investigation Into Wisconsin Hate Crime, Say No Evidence It Occured

  1. Sounds a little fishy.

    Since she is bi-racial, would assume that the father is German and/or Jewish (with last name of Bernstein) and the incident was assiduously reported on America’s most trustworthy and accurate news outlets (CNN and NBC). Incidentally, most white guys in groups of two or more are always known to carry a spare can of lighter fluid and a cigarette lighter which they don’t mind the expense of buying and losing both on a bi-racial victim.

    Also, since being bi-racial, wouldn’t the sentence end up being 50% reduction in jail time and/or monetary fine?

    Nah. Sounds too familiar (like that French guy, Jessie Shmolley in Illinois).

    I go for Door Number 1 from “The Gunny” October 4, 2020 at 3:43 am .

  2. No such thing.
    When we submitted to the idea of the “hate” crime we accepted the notion that certain thoughts were criminal, in and of, themselves.
    The fact that “hate” crimes are primarily leveled against so-called “white” people should have given everyone pause – but it didn’t. When a guy walks up behind you and smashes a brick into your head – it’s a pretty good guess that he hates you. When a gaggle of maniacal chimps fall onto a baby leopard and tear it to pieces – it’s a pretty good guess that they hate it. When a gang of street thugs (BLM or ANTIFA) beat and rape an innocent bystander (or even one of their own) – you KNOW that they have hate in their hearts – not romance.

    Only an act can be a crime. There is always an act as the presumptive basis of the “hate” crime, and then the prosecution pretends to mind-reading to transpose it into the “hate” category. Previously the act alone was enough to bring on the attention of the “law” but now the mind-readers and soothsayers claim discernment on the “true” cause of the crime.
    It’s absolute bullshit.
    The Nazis declared people criminal on the basis of their “archetype” and punished them on that basis, and not on the basis of any actions they may, or may not, have taken. “Hate” or “thought” crimes are of the same category. No act even need take place.

    Dangerous stuff.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What percentage of this kind of witlessness reported after the fact “hate crimes” actually turn out to have been real?

    Anyone know?

    Or is there even any way to find out, any statistics being kept?

  4. @Anonymous
    OCTOBER 4, 2020 AT 8:51 AM:

    Ann Coulter did an article on this a few years ago. The answer then, as it is now, is that every single one of these “hate crimes” that made national news were later proven to be false, from Breona Taylor To this one.

  5. when i was younger i would do the lighter fluid trick at parties until one night when i let some of it drool down my chin before i ignited the lighter………. oops!

  6. And another thing, thoughts and ideas are not crimes. Ideas don’t burn down cities, car lots, stores and homes, they don’t beat people and smash their cars for them trying to drive somewhere.
    No, people have bad ideas and then justify them in their minds, then act upon them. It’s acting upon a bad idea where things go sideways and are somehow surprised when the consequences come home to roost.

  7. Judging by the response by the family and the community “leaders” they all know the bitch lied her ass off about it likely for attention. While it’s possible perhaps even likely some sort of mental illness was involved the cops ought not to have walked away from this. To get a deal like this she should have been told to admit what actually happened and apologize for the time, cost and bad press involved and caution anyone else contemplating a similar, dangerous action to stop.


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