33 Comments on AUTONOMY

  1. Fur, you have no idea how much I needed the REAL “LOL” I got out of that one!!!!

    I love driving around town in my son’s big, fat ’79 Ford pick up and parking next to Piouses and/or cars with all the usual stupid lefty bumper stickers. Because…(bleeep)’em! Hahaha!

  2. Claudia says “Way to go, Trump! Keep those heads exploding!”

    Madjack says “I’m beginning to like this guy”.

    I Love It says “Go Trump!”

    Davy says “I like what Trump is saying”.

    I finally found an issue here I agree with completely. I’m with you. Yes, absolutely keep those heads exploding. I’m beginning to love him. I love what he’s saying and doing.Go Trump!!!!!!

    What the GOP actually has on their hands is a bloviating ass clown picking up steam that has about as much of a chance winning as Claudia or Madjack or Love it or Davy exposing exactly what they are and they can’t shut him up.

    He has the RNC scrambling to keep from further alienating a huge number of the electorate that they are already in trouble with. And the rest of the town car parade is left slackjawed.

    I can almost hear the nationally televised debates now.
    Moderator-n “Mr Trump, what do you propose we tell the families of immigrants to do-go home and die?”

    Trump “Every fckin one of them”.

    The GOP cheers while the rest of the sane world wonders in amazement.

    GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!

  3. And, of course, you completely miss the mark when characterizing what the right’s stance is, because, frankly, you’re a fucking idiot.

    The right’s stance is that you cannot have an open porous border with a welfare state.
    Of course, the left’s stance is, “bring em in, as long as they vote left we stay in power.”
    And, of course, the obvious question is, “you’re in power of what, exactly? A failed dystopia?”

  4. Actually Furhat, I’m a strong advocate of securing the boarders. I don’t know of any democrats or left leaning factions pushing for open boarders.

    I’d say that while both parties are to blame, the open boarders are more likely due to providing cheap labor to the campaign donor bosses which leans more today’s so-called conservative friendly. But by all means, don’t let that interfere with that rather far fetched creation of an argument.

    Just wondering, where do you aquire your data?

    But regardless of what you construe as “the right’s stance”, having a Donald Trump mansplain it to us all is pure heaven,

    Go Trump!!!!!!!!!

  5. Ah, Ron – we’ve missed ye, lad, and all yer pithy comments. All of the boarders down at the boarding house missed ye, too – although I can’t say many of ’em are very open. They’re mostly a closed-mouth bunch, y’know. As for meself,
    I don’t care much for boarders, unless they be me shipmates. Any swab that tries to board MY ship will definitely
    be an “open” boarder, if ye knows how
    I mean it…

  6. Well, and a happy pirate’s day to you too Vet, or, something.

    Yeah, been working like 12 to 16 hr days so little time to try to argue politics with folks of, well, very little knowledge of actual politics.

    Your response reminds me of one of late night comedy explaining the difference in a Democrat and a Republican. As explained, a Republican uses the letter “R” because that’s the sound a pirate makes before he robs you and throws you to the sharks.

    There was some reference to Dems but, well, time is short and the scope of political understanding in this caliber of punditry is rather limited so, why bother?

  7. Awww… Don’t mind him, Vietvet.
    It’s ‘internet day’ at the special house with the big comfy bouncy walls. Let him clack away at the keys. They’ll give him his meds, he’ll get tired and lay down somewhere.

  8. Mary Jane, as long as we have claptraps like Trump embarrassing, alienating, and positioning the rest of the clown car occupants between a rock and a hard place (you know, getting back to the actual argument ), well, that does let folks like me lie down and rest comfortably.

  9. Hey, Ronnie, it’s time for you to lie down and rest comfortably while you get your daily shock treatments. By the way is is sure nice of your keepers to let you use a computer as part of your therapy.But I am afraid it is all for naught as the Government does not yet let them do brain transplants. You are who you are at least for a while longer!

  10. Doc, your level of wit was rather cute, back in like, 1995 or such when the Internet was starting to boom.

    Seems that after all these years, the resident trolls could step up their game a bit.

  11. Hey Dumb Ass Lib. I have a serious question for you regarding this.

    ““Mr Trump, what do you propose we tell the families of immigrants to do-go home and die?”

    How the fuck does the Liberal mind make the jump from “Go Home” to “Go Home And Die”?

  12. BB, “Hey Dumb Ass Lib”, you may be up to a 1998 argumentative level there. That’s rather impressive for such a low end level of sockpuppets.

    My reference was going back to the debate of Ron Paul’s endorsement of people in need of medical insurance to “just go home and die” and the GOP’s reaction was either to cheer or to remain silent.

    Go Trump!

  13. The quote you are referencing was a floor speech on May 25 2011. And it was in regards to Obamacare.
    But your snarky inaccurate reply does not address my question in regards to ILLEGAL immigrants.

  14. Actually, R.J., I wasn’t referencing Pirate’s Day or anything like it. I was just pickin’ at you a bit because you apparently don’t know how to spell “borders”.


    (Yeah, I know – very juvenile of me and all that, but you gotta get your laughs where you find ’em these days.)


  15. Ron, it is very cruel of you
    to make fun of the resident trolls. After all, they’re only amateurs. They know full well that no matter how hard
    they try, they will NEVER reach your level of trolling expertise.

    Be generous and let them
    sit and learn at the foot of
    the Master.

  16. Brad, I’ll concede a snarky tone but not inaccurate.

    Again, I was referencing the Sep 2011 GOP debate when Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul “Congressman, are you saying that society should just let him die (referring to an uninsured man with a catastrophic condition)?” Paul finally admitted that was the plan which brought a round of cheers from the Tea Party faction and other nut cases in the crowd.

    It confirmed what most believed was the GOP solution and their animosity towards the uninsured. Granted, such unhinged and radical statements will always energize the crazies, just as Trump’s buffoonery has you guys acting as trained seals clapping your fins together and chanting “ork ork ork”. But on the national stage, it just ain’t gonna fly as well, there are always your type that believes the sun revolves around the earth and then, and then there’s the rest of us.

    You always have some batshit crazy GOP candidate admitting the true feelings of the batshit crazy which people of reasonable intellect already know, as is this case of Trump letting his mouth overload his ass.

    I hope that answers your question as I’m really not very good with drawing pictures.

  17. Again, I was referencing the Sep 2011 GOP debate when Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul

    Link it. Unlike liberals I require data. Like global warming. By the way most conservative consider him a whacked libertarian not a conservative and being the brainiac you are you should know that.

    As far as health care goes before Obamacare nobody was turned out to die. The problem with health care pre Obamacare has always been Government intrusion. Don’t believe me. Look at LAsik surgery.
    I’m out, you will not learn from me and you have nothing to teach me.

  18. Now Brad, why do I need to link the Sep 2011 GOP debate with Blitzer and Paul?

    Do you not know or believe that it took place, the way I described?

    Obviously, your intent is to distract or prolong that argument as your request is an admission to that obvious conclusion. I mean, you are engaging in a political argument while pleading guilty of profound ignorance of politics. And you’re doing thin on an online forum while indicating no idea how to use an online search engine.

    Sure, I could link that just as you could simply Google
    “wolf blitzer and ron paul healthcare” and pull up a couple gazillion links of the 9/13/2011 debate just as I just did. But try to be honest here, if possible. I really don’t think me validating my sources is of interest to you, nor would it matter. Once you got that, you’d quickly move to another distraction, such as “Paul’s a whacked libertarian” or “before Obamacare nobody was turned out to die”.

    And somehow, I guess I’m the troll?????????

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