Award-Winning Reporter To Sue Gretchen Whitmer Over Nursing Home COVID Data – ‘All The Way To The Supreme Court’ – IOTW Report

Award-Winning Reporter To Sue Gretchen Whitmer Over Nursing Home COVID Data – ‘All The Way To The Supreme Court’


Michigan’s Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer got some bad news this week when a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist announced plans to sue her for the release of COVID-19 nursing home data.

Seasoned reporter Charlie LeDuff revealed on Twitter that he is teaming up with Mackinac Center, a Michigan-based free market think tank, to file a lawsuit against Whitmer.

“We are preparing a lawsuit against Gov. Whitmer of Michigan,” LeDuff wrote. “She refuses to turn over COVID death data and accurate nursing home numbers to the public. All the way to the Supreme Court, Madam.” more

12 Comments on Award-Winning Reporter To Sue Gretchen Whitmer Over Nursing Home COVID Data – ‘All The Way To The Supreme Court’

  1. ‘All The Way To The Supreme Court’

    …lack of standing. Also, we all know ain’t NO ONE gonna DO anything about Democrat tyrant crimes, so it’s moot.

    Certiorari denied.

    …we thank you for your interest though, and are referring you to the FBI, who we always make sure investigates our more enthusiastic citizens for, you know, domestic terrorism and White Supremacy and such. If you’re innocent you have nothing to fear, nicht wahr?

    Einen schönen Tag no…I mean, have a nice day…

  2. Who are these governors going to blame now that Trump is gone and Fauxci has been discredited? Gaud I love it when Karma arrives at these Democrat commie doorsteps.

  3. Think they’re going to get any relief from courts? Well, they might get some relief now that everything is opening back up. When the criminals were lockiing people up and killing people in nursing homes using clearly fraudulent data (40 cycle threshold pcr, hello!) no court would do anything. No republican legislature would do anything. Not a damn thing!

    They think they can con voters into voting for them again by doing this pretend stuff. I hate their guts.

  4. I am praying that God will allow this to finally see justice prevail. Only he can change the hearts of those who would seek to subvert Truth. That is going to happen if that is his Will.

    Believers need to get on our knees and repent. Ask God for mercy for our nation, and get ourselves ready to DO his will. That could be that we get involved with our local government, support those patriots who step up to act. And we need to have faith in God. He will do what he will do. I have hope in him, not the wishing kind of hope, but the firm knowledge that he is in control hope.

    I know that it seems foolish to have hope that Good will prevail and some people don’t like to look foolish. Scripture tells us that will happen in this world. To give in to the world (accept what’s happening, denigrate anyone who is trying to do something positive, give up hope) just to not look foolish to the world, well, that’s something that grieves God. He asks for our Trust. He asks for our faith in him to be spread to others, both believers and unbelievers.

    Yes, I am foolish to the world. But my God is bigger than the world. He created it and he is in control. I stand with him. And I have hope.

  5. Why do “progressive” politicians always have that ridiculous signer in the corner? All public meeting places have listening devices for the deaf, and any rv stations carrying to presser have subtitles . Just one more virtue signaling opportunity.


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