Aww- Google and Facebook Built Their HQs on Global Warming Vulnerable Sites – IOTW Report

Aww- Google and Facebook Built Their HQs on Global Warming Vulnerable Sites

Either they are stupid or they aren’t big believers in the global warming that will supposedly raise sea levels, creating millions of fleeing refugees, because Facebook and Google headquarters are built in spots that will be, according to loons, dozens of feet underwater.


Facebook has built its new headquarters in a place where employees may soon have to commute by canoe, according to even the most optimistic forecasts of rising sea levels. The shiny headquarters of Facebook and other Silicon Valley tech giants are among many Bay Area properties, worth around $100 billion in total, believed to be at risk from climate change, with another $20 billion or so in new developments planned for some of the riskiest shoreline areas, the Guardian reports. Social networking probably won’t be a major priority if sea levels rise several feet by the end of the century as expected, but storms could flood the Facebook campus, as well as the surrounding roads, much sooner.

“Facebook is very vulnerable,” says Lindy Lowe, a senior planner at the Bay Area Conservation and Development Commission. “They built on a very low site—I don’t know why they chose to build there.”


Because they know it’s bullsh!t. It’s why Al Gore bought oceanfront property.

2 Comments on Aww- Google and Facebook Built Their HQs on Global Warming Vulnerable Sites

  1. Well, it’s kinda like this: Libstains don’t actually BELIEVE anything they say. They don’t have normal cognitive powers like rational humans. A deeply held conviction may last only a few moments, until it encounters conflict with a different libstain superstition, resulting in dissonance, and a shuffling of the deck.

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