AZ AG Election Integrity Office Sends Strongly Worded Letter to Maricopa County – IOTW Report

AZ AG Election Integrity Office Sends Strongly Worded Letter to Maricopa County

Western Journal

Arizona Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright — with the Elections Integrity Unit — wrote a letter to the Maricopa County officials Saturday demanding an accounting for the widespread ballot tabulation and ballot printer problems seen during the general election on Nov. 8.

Among the most troubling issues raised in the letter directed to Thomas Liddy with the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office was the apparent co-mingling of ballots in black duffle bags in at least one polling location, which were successfully run through the on-site tabulators with those put in “Door 3” to be sent to the Election Department’s downtown Phoenix tabulation center because they could not be read. More

7 Comments on AZ AG Election Integrity Office Sends Strongly Worded Letter to Maricopa County

  1. blame the republicans. they had 2 years to fix it in 2016 & 2 years to fix the problems in AZ (& NV) from the 2020 election

    … & did nothing …. NOTHING!!!

    oh, wait … “we’re gonna hold Hearings!”
    again … thanks for nothing

    I pledge that I will not vote for any republican candidate that does not uphold the US Constitution & values that founded this country. any candidate that states they’ll ‘get along’, ‘cooperate’, ‘moderate’, ‘work w/ their opponents across the aisle’ I will not support.

    the republican party does not have our backs … sick of this shit!
    we ain’t voting our way out of this

  2. Assistant AG? What happened to Super RINO Mark Brnovich?
    Does that stupid bitch think he has any political career moving forward unless he switches to Dem? I think not. What a dumb muther Focker.

  3. Mr. Pinko
    Your post reminded me of something seperate from your topic
    Can you tell somebody something for me
    Pronunciation related
    Could you tell our shaker this
    It is not minnow
    It is Myknot
    ps: I laffed and laffed

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