ABC: TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) – Organizers are planning a “Clown Lives Matter” march for October 15 in Tucson in reaction to the recent spate of frightening incidents — both real and imagined — spread in the news and on social media.
The march will be at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 15 on 4th Avenue in Tucson. Attendees are invited to show up wearing full clown makeup or masks.
According to a flyer advertising the event, “this is a peaceful way to show clowns are not psycho killers. We want the public to feel safe, and not be afraid. So come out, bring the family, meet a clown and get a hug!” VIDEO
I hope the Obama rodeo clown can make it.
*Many* clowns are not psycho killers.

I bet my loony lefty sister (she lives there) will be there, she Beclowns herself all the time.
Ha ha annie Go Trump
I suppose the clowns will all show up in one car.
This scary clown thing has hit NorCal big in the last couple weeks. Chasing mother with young children, threatening schools, standing around with knives and guns. LEO is not amused. Every night on the evening news at least one scary clown story. Scary Clowns are quickly changing the views of young mothers about GUNS. It’s not hard to figure out that Scary Clowns are actually the NRA.
Why in Phoenix?
Why not hold the parade in Washington DC and have a really big parade?
There was a “march” in small town East Central Ohio Saturday morning. It didn’t go so well.
Even in this backward Appalachian area, clowns seem to be proliferating.
“Typically, we don’t let strange clowns in the building anyway”
– Bellaire Local Schools Superintendent Darren Jenkins
That pic of Hillary the Clown should have a big red foam nose with “Reset” printed on it.
I haz no shop skilz.
I wonder if all the clowns from D.C. will show up.
Your headline, at first glance, says AzzClowns…
This will end the minute one of the clown-outfitted assholes gets gunned down.
……unless the person underneath the costume is black. Then it will be deemed racist.