Bad News For Dems – Small Business Owners Thriving – IOTW Report

Bad News For Dems – Small Business Owners Thriving

Who needs a party that gnashes their teeth and wrings their hands when the majority of small businesses report that Trump policies have improved their bottom line?

People receiving 1000 dollar bonuses (now Home Depot employees are getting a bonus) is mocked by the minority leader in the house. (Pelosi doubled down and said it again.)

Improvement of the lives of ordinary Americans causes consternation in an entire party. Isn’t that troubling? What is the party for?

I guess it’s true that they are nothing but a party that represents the interests of everyone EXCEPT the American middle-class, emphasis on American. They don’t represent the “gender clear,” as opposed to the “gender queer.”

They represent the felon, not the law-abiding. They represent the parasite, not the host.

If the salt of the earth, middle -American wakes up with hope and a smile on their face, that’s when the left springs into action to do something to wipe that “privilege” off their faces.

Survey: 64% of Small Business Owners Believe Trump’s Policies Have Helped Their Business


19 Comments on Bad News For Dems – Small Business Owners Thriving

  1. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you: Black folk are going to be really ‘woke’ soon.
    They will begin to see past the blinders of free stuff and pandering as the Left shift focus to their perceived new darlings: The illegal Immigrant.
    They will seek redress for the robbery of their dignity, for their treatment as mascots in a dog and pony show designed to line the pockets of their protectors.
    It will get so bad one day that I shall staple my MAGA hat to my head, lest an errant wind on an unfamiliar street lead me into danger.
    They will drive the Left into the sea.

  2. Cuomo is making noises about passing legislation that would make NY employers pay their workers’ state income taxes. He’s trying to find a way steal the money they are getting with the new tax breaks. Possibly one of the reasons Amazon nixed the idea of opening an Amazon HQ in Rochester. Cuomo was acting all gleeful when announcing this, like he was getting some kind of revenge on PDT, rather than actually driving business out of the state. I guess this is one human that will NEVER grow up.

  3. I dont need them to like me.
    I sorely need them to be PROSECUTED FOR CRIMES WE ALREADY KNOW THEY”VE COMMITTED. After they are safely caged in prison cells away from government records, continue the investigations which will expose troves of other crimes.
    At that point their prison meals could be stopped.

  4. “Lazlo spun a pretty good story, pray it comes true.”

    From my own personal experience I can tell you it is. I know Black people that voted for Obama at least one time that voted for Trump and get more excited by him every day. Also, as the economy improves a lot of the current racial shit will diminish.
    Trumps also won over the 8Chan and 4Chan crowd. Non of which voted for him. The Q Anon thing has them convinced he’s going to get the government back to the people.

  5. The economy only recovered because Baronk raided the Treasury giving out record amounts of freebies for eight years. (And billion$ to terrorist-backing countries)

    When the obamaphones get shut off, look for the economy to tank. Who gonna deliver my EBT-bought pizza?!

  6. Brad, I wonder if each individual straw would be a separate offense. Can you imagine seating a party of 20, giving each person a drink with a straw? Then getting convicted, and sentenced to serve consecutive terms, hell, he is looking at 10 years for giving straws with the drinks.

  7. Small biz owner here (online retail), after 6 years of being flat, everything went up for us BIGLY starting early fall and hasn’t slowed down since. My employees all received nice holiday bonuses, we’ve got our first expansion planned in years, and the strong sales have us to where we paid off 75% of our debt far ahead of schedule.

    We cater to the far left with what we sell (long story of how I ended up doing what I do), and it’s neat watching them struggle internally when I tell my customers that we’re doing so well in the current economy after so many stagnant years beforehand, aka the Obama era. Something tells me that reality will not be kind to the psyches of these people as they witness actual prosperity for what’s likely the first time in their existence, as they’ll finally see that having more of your own money is better than waiting for someone else to have theirs redistributed to your pockets.

  8. joe6pak

    These people are insane. I’m thinking about writing them some suggestions on new Bill to pass. Like warning labels for Penises. “This thing might go off in your eye”. Shit like that. I bet I could get a few signed into law.

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