badacathcare – IOTW Report


23 Comments on badacathcare

  1. This is really an admission by the Architects of Obamacare that it’s so messed up it cannot be fixed without Senator John McCain coming back from the dead to save it one more time. It’s DOA. It’s a Big Feckin’ Deal! I’ll bet that the Supreme Court gets it right next month.

  2. My guess is that they played Disney’s Madagascar for Sleepy Joe when he called the last lid and he really enjoyed it. But can’t quite pronounce it yet, hence “bad a kath care.”

  3. It’s Italian for “Bad catheter care.” Jeeze. Can’t you hear?

    Luigi: “Hey, c’mon-a man. Whats-a wrong with-a you, anyways?”
    Tony: “Bad-a cath care.”

    (What? Are you bigot going after the wops, now?)

  4. Slow Joe, you’re dumber than Maxine Waters, a real gullible fool. I’m assuming you bought into commie care. After watching you the last two years, NO THANKS! You and the seditious gay Kenyan commie can keep your commie care. Ass hole. One more thing: You seem to spend a lot of time in the basement. Is that time-out for playing in your diaper?

  5. Joe Biden must be smokin’ crack or his lid with Hunter down in the basement, or maybe he’s off his meds. 🤔 Either way it will be a blowout for Trump and I’m going out on a limb and say he may pull off the popular vote too, if that happens expect heads to explode. 🤯 🇺🇸MAGA

  6. Irrespective of all else, Paul Ryan conspired behind the scenes with Democrats to scuttle any attempt to repeal or reform Obama. He is as despicable example of double dealing politician as any. Absolutely w/o any redeeming character traits.

  7. More importantly: Irrespective of all else, Paul Ryan conspired behind the scenes with Democrats to scuttle any attempt to repeal or reform Obama. He is as despicable example of double dealing politician as any. Absolutely w/o any redeeming character traits.

  8. @JDHasty
    I would really like to know what they had on Paul Ryan, for him to just walk away.
    He meant “Bad Health Care”, Freudian slip, no doubt.
    America need to hold out for the Healthcare plan that all of congress has to be on, along with the rest of us.
    They should also be made to collect Social Security, not life time salary.

  9. Also,
    It was Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson that cast the deciding vote on Shitcare, with the agreement that Nebraska would be exempt.
    He vanished, never to be heard from again.
    Ben Nelson Net Worth: $12 Million, should be OK.


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