Vietvet, Ryan can’t stand Trump. It’s no secret. He said this this morning. He’s been getting killed on Twitter ever since. I’m starting to see a lot of synergy between Trump and Rand Paul. It’ll be interesting to see what that relationship looks like in a year. I’be always loved his strong constitutional take on things.
Ryan is alright! It is hard to steer a bill or follow instructions when your head is in the dark.
There is no light and it smells real bad.
“That’s right, asshole, I took your pen. You don’t like it, use your phone and call someone who cares.”
Auto Pilot from MIB2. 😉
SPF 45…
not that Barry minds …. he likes men sitting on his lap
(Lord, I apologize)
I’d like to see obama completely erased by a a REAL President, Donald Trump.
From the left hand to the right hand. Well done Hat.
Years ago a young man on spring break went broke and wired his dad
for money:
The old man wired back
Ah, those were the days when Dads were Dads, not buddies.
The above was meant for the Spring Break thing. Drunk again!
I can’t help thinking your gif will give Island Boy BoRock a stiffy.
Slightly OT, but Paul Ryan just attempted to throw Trump under the bus:
Vietvet, Ryan can’t stand Trump. It’s no secret. He said this this morning. He’s been getting killed on Twitter ever since. I’m starting to see a lot of synergy between Trump and Rand Paul. It’ll be interesting to see what that relationship looks like in a year. I’be always loved his strong constitutional take on things.
Ryan is alright! It is hard to steer a bill or follow instructions when your head is in the dark.
There is no light and it smells real bad.
Call it the “Unfucking of a Country”