Bari Weiss drops the MOAB of resignation letters on the NYT – IOTW Report

Bari Weiss drops the MOAB of resignation letters on the NYT

Patriot Retort: Journalist Bari Weiss just resigned from the newspaper formerly known as New York Times.  And if you read anything today, let it be her resignation letter.

Because this isn’t just a resignation letter.

It’s Lexington and Concord.

It’s the opening shots at Fort Sumter.

It is the MOAB of resignation letters.

Now, Bari Weiss isn’t exactly a MAGA-hat-wearing conservative.  If anything, she is center/left.  But even she is too far right for the toddlers running the New York Times. And, sadly, they’ve made her life a living hell.

Here’s just some of Bari Weiss’ resignation letter which she helpfully released to the public via her website: MORE HERE

19 Comments on Bari Weiss drops the MOAB of resignation letters on the NYT

  1. So, she got treated the same way she has treated every one else. Fuck Bari Weiss, worthless libel merchant cunt that she is. She creates a culture of slander and intolerance, and then whines when her head is on the block.

  2. Pinch Sulzberger Jr has run the old grey hag into the ground anyway. Loans from Carlos Slim, selling the Boston Globe, selling off parts of NYT building and they’re still hemorrhaging money.

  3. Rot can’t be repaired and that’s what’s left of the NYT.
    I will not read any of it as giving it “clicks” just keeps the stinking corpse walking into the furniture and making a mess.

  4. What you’re seeing is FEAR. The management can not allow the dissemination of views that expose the farcical trash they’ve been filling their pages with for decades. The possibility of some in their dwindling readership may become too curious and opt to abandon the rag of a paper.

  5. Thank you for finding a post that linked to the letter in full. I first saw something about it on Twitchy, I think. The link was literally unreadable.

    It probably won’t do any good, but I also do believe that more people than the far-left realizes are truly getting fed up with their antics.

    And they’ve crossed so many lines…

  6. @MJA- great analogy, the below is 42nd st and Seventh Ave aka Yucca Flats:
    B&W version:

    In those vids, you will hear the blast from many MANY miles away…iow the impact felt. The repercussion affect so to say in the NY Slimes, we’ll see what happens / does not happen.

    Or how about a Rocket Sled? Make sure you go FULL screen on this one!

    I am not familiar at ALL with her work, so I read that in a way objectively, but at the same time reading it, while HATING the Slimes along the way.

    A win/WIN!

    THAT was a take down body slam in their rat infested Journolistic world, which she basically describes.


  7. I’m a firm believer in what goes around, comes around. They will all go through what others have because of them. I’m not sorry for her or happy about what she has been put through at her job. We have gone through things like what she experienced. She just seems to be so shocked by it. Meanwhile, she has been a part of this bullying and what, didn’t realize the NYT’s lies all day long?!?!

    Enough, She is 36 years old and a child in a big city. She’ll get over it and move on and no one will notice. Or at least her letter will not be “HEARD”

    God Bless us all!

  8. My guess is that A. G. Solzberger read the first line and the closing line, shrugged and tossed her letter in a pile and never gave another thought to it. More like her ready to take over the job and toe the line.

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