Barr authorizes DOJ prosecutors to investigate election irregularities – IOTW Report

Barr authorizes DOJ prosecutors to investigate election irregularities

Just The News: Attorney General William Barr has issued a memo in which he said that he authorized federal prosecutors “to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions in certain cases, as I have already done in specific instances.”

Barr noted that this did not serve to indicate the Justice Department has determined that voting irregularities affected election outcomes.

“Such inquiries and reviews may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual state,” Barr wrote. “Any investigation of claims of irregularities that, if true, would clearly not impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State should normally be deferred until after the election certification process is completed. While U.S. Attorneys maintain their inherent authority to conduct inquiries and investigations as they deem appropriate, it will likely be prudent to commence any election-related matters as a preliminary inquiry, so as to assess whether available evidence warrants further investigative steps.” more

27 Comments on Barr authorizes DOJ prosecutors to investigate election irregularities

  1. Glad to see these dipshits realizing what it means to be a Republican in the era of Trump. You may as well fight, because you’ll get no mercy if you run. You’re just as deplorable as me, Bob. True story. And look at what’s happening to those Lincoln Project gimps. On your feet, or on your knees, Bob. Cocaine Mitch gets it. Do you?

  2. This means Rudy can NOW waltz into any DA office in any of the states in question and say “Here you assholes…

    …here is the evidence.”

    And it’s called a AIC machine designed to FUCK with foreign votes, aimed back at us(a), that was the TOOL.

  3. They need to clean house at DoJ, fire every one from above file clerks. Get someone who is motivated to work instead of wasting time and doing the bare minimum to get by. Fire the Fa-Toss!!!

  4. Maybe Barr finally realized that without POTUS Trump, he’s gonna be out of a job come January 20th.

    There’s not too many gigs out there for amateur bagpipe players, Willie – not even in Scotland.

  5. I’ve been puzzled about Barr, and lack of any visible successful prosecution results is frustrating.

    Yesterday on Newsmax I watched a show first broadcast in Sept. “Trump and me: a conversation”.

    At the end of the show I admired Trump more than I did before. But it was also clear since childhood DJT liked to stir the pot, is a very unorthodox manager, and has always cared about people from all economic classes or professions.

    In the show they said when Trump first met James Comey, he quickly decided he was a snake.

    But they also said Barr is Trump’s man, and Trump trust him, and his work.

    I wonder if Trump still feels the same way about Bill Barr. There seems to be a few clues he might not. Or maybe he does. News report videos showing a bus load of convicted corrupt politicians and fed gov agents being walked into prison would boost his now tarnished reputation. Barr could use it. Thus far he seems to be a dud. A round that was supposed to explode in the swap and drain it, but hasn’t.

  6. Thank God we may finally get to the bottom of this in late October 2024.

    Bob Barr moving at the speed of government with the urgency of a feather trying to wear down Jupiter.

  7. Barr is the fat man out on the thin ice. He’s dragged his feet and his so called investigators have as well. Durham has found nothing prosecutable {not officially announced as yet, but it’s coming}.
    Barr is just riding it out and awaiting his 30 pieces of silver.


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