Barr hearing will address whether John Durham has ‘adequate resources’ – IOTW Report

Barr hearing will address whether John Durham has ‘adequate resources’

Washington Examiner:

Republicans hope to learn more about U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review of the Russia investigation when Attorney General William Barr testifies next month.

Rep. Doug Collins, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, offered some insight on Sunday into what questions he and his GOP colleagues might ask about the secretive investigation.

“I want to hear more about the Durham investigation,” the Georgia Republican said on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures with host Maria Bartiromo. “Is there still adequate resources, everything needed there?”

Barr was called to testify by House Democrats, who seek answers about the Justice Department’s conduct, including the scaled-back sentencing recommendation for longtime Trump associate Roger Stone and matters related to Russia and Ukraine.

Republicans have their own priorities. According to Collins, the GOP side will focus on why the Justice Department dropped its criminal investigation into former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act reform following a scathing DOJ watchdog report.

The hearing is scheduled for March 31 . read more

16 Comments on Barr hearing will address whether John Durham has ‘adequate resources’

  1. The Left uses the law and legal systems as a weapon against the Right.

    The Right doesn’t because they’re to mild mannered and dumb to recognize this is how it is done.

    That’s why over any extended period of time the Left wins and the Right loses.

    I don’t see that changing.

  2. Just a guess (I have NO evidence) – Durham’s a time-waster.
    Drag shit out; drag shit out; drag it out some more.
    Prosecute no-one. Clouseau isn’t this floundering.
    Hope the media can do what the blundering totalitarian Demonrat candidates can’t.

    Keep one eye on the porn on his computer and the other on the calendar.

    How long can it possibly take to find a giant turd in a punchbowl?
    Blind squirrel: nut:
    Wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. A week ago there was an article on “the last refugee” about how the game is played. The public gets mad as hell. The politicians hold hearings to placate the public. The uproar dies down and nothing changes. Happens over and over and over. They even have a name for it I can’t recall.

  4. Is it going to die down now? Those one our side have had enough and some dog and pony show hearing isn’t going to make us calm down.

    I don’t know what the end game is, but I think the commie side and our side realizes this can’t go on this way much longer. They want communism even if they call it socialism, we want a Republic and there really isn’t a middle ground anymore. Neither side likes D.C.

  5. @Old Racist White Woman February 24, 2020 at 1:21 pm

    > I don’t know what the end game is, but I think the commie side and our side realizes this can’t go on this way much longer. They want communism even if they call it socialism, we want a Republic and there really isn’t a middle ground anymore

    There is a huge “middle ground”. Completely empty. Because it’s all… the… way… over… there. Past the raised foot rests. Of Muh Constitusion! Conservatives™. They are what they are. They will not, they can not, get off their capacious backsides. That would make them “Not who we are.”

    So what? Oh what’s? A Good™ communalist to do? Drag them off their comfy cushions? To the gallows? In those big empty spaces? Maybe there’s a more assured way? Hmm… I wonder what it could be?

  6. If he gets adequate funding maybe he can conduct interviews of possible perps. If he doesn’t get enough for that he can continue his tour of eating and drinking establishments.

  7. Did tyranny start when checkpoints began?

    Did you start resisting when smoking was banned, TSA groping began, or NSA wiretapping was set up?

    Do you live in a police state when the government takes your belt or when a CIA agent punches you?

    Tyranny is permanent and gets worse by the day.

    Americans used to be able to make decisions for themselves, but Americans are just dependent retards now who wait for the state to tell them what to do.

    You can’t escape because the whole world is a police state. What would you gain if you escape tyranny in the US only to be shot by the Gestapo in Canada?


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