BBC Frets CO2 Levels Climbing Faster than Climate Goals Can Offset – IOTW Report

BBC Frets CO2 Levels Climbing Faster than Climate Goals Can Offset


Levels of the most significant planet-warming gas in our atmosphere rose more quickly than ever previously recorded last year, scientists say, leaving a key global climate target hanging by a thread.

Concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) are now more than 50% higher than before humans started burning large amounts of fossil fuels.

Last year, fossil fuel emissions were at record highs, while the natural world struggled to absorb as much CO2 due to factors including wildfires and drought, so more accumulated in the atmosphere.

The rapid increase in CO2 is “incompatible” with the international pledge to try to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, the Met Office, [UK’s Meteorological Office] says. More

18 Comments on BBC Frets CO2 Levels Climbing Faster than Climate Goals Can Offset

  1. The poisoned minds of the British people. 0.04% CO2 in our atmosphere and they are freaking out and passing off misinformation. Dropping this number lower would kill all life on the planet, they never mention that.

  2. No, Nah, and Nope. Like most other governments, The UK’er gov’t says it’s protecting the people and stabs them in the back at the same time by allowing millions of North African immigrants in.

    “It’s less white blokes we want running about and polluting everything. A lot less”.

  3. CO2 released by humans since 1800 is about equal to present atmospheric CO2.

    CO2 in the oceans is about fifty times present atmospheric CO2.

    CO2 sequestered in rock is about five-hundred times oceanic CO2.

    This is NOT Venus. It is Earth, you penis.

  4. We live in a closed system – nothing in – nothing out (with the exception of some few H & He atoms which reach escape velocity and some meteor/meteorites).

    Most of the CO2 on Earth is the result of greedy nihilistic totalitarian maggots flying on private jets to Globaloney Warming conventions.

    These Globaloney Warming imbeciles are living in some weird tortured dysphoric nightmare brought on by ignorance and superstition and promulgated by greedy, blood-sucking nihilistic totalitarians who wet-dream of controlling every aspect of human existence.

    As Doc wrote above.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. My guess is that the fires in Kalifornia just dumped more CO2 in the atmosphere than England did this last year. A volcanic eruption will do even more. It really dos not matter. Climate change and global warming is a scam.

  6. Serious question. Has anyone ever heard even slightly compelling evidence that CO2 is causing climate change vs natural climate change causing increased CO2? Which is cause and which is effect?

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