Be Careful Out There! – IOTW Report

Be Careful Out There!

More info at NHC, NOAA Weather Radio, and

We pray you are all out of harm’s way.

21 Comments on Be Careful Out There!

  1. We had some high Winds Yesterday…And 20+ Today. It went by Us without to

    much Drama. People were playing on the White Street Pier as Waves

    crashed over Them…Then some Karen called the Police…and They got ran off.

    Louisiana might be in a little trouble…That first Storm saturated everything,

    the second will blow a lot of Trees over .

  2. Following the National Hurricane Center daily at this time of year, I note they rather blew the forecast for Marco. They had it developing into a Cat 1 storm, but it didn’t. The European modelling not only had the intensity correct, but also its track, which the NHC did not. Looking at lots of actual data 3-4 days ago, it was clear to even this observer that the NHC was going to be wrong. Watt’s up with that, weather guys? You’ve been blowing forecasts badly all during 2020. Too much working from home?

  3. Jimmy- I kept hearing how great the Euro model was. I thought they only got Irma or Dorian right. Can’t remember.
    Also, didn’t they get a late start on Laura when it was just Trop13?
    NHC seems to be a good model. Reliable as far as I’ve seen.
    But yep. They totally went weird with Marco.

    Edit. Wait, I did stop paying attention to NHC and them the past few days so you’re probably right about the track of the Euro.
    I was looking at wind speed at the antarctic. LOL.

  4. Thoughts and Prayers to all who are in the path of the storm. 🕊️❤️🙏

    You can send some of that rain our way, we have have had a non-existent Monsoon this year, one of the worst on record. We’re thirsty here. 😎

  5. @Jimmy
    I’ve had ventusky on my tab bar for over a year now. The wind graphics are very telling as well as cloud cover vs precipitation. I try to use accuweather on my daily peak through but it’s so hit or miss with the way the storms move over the NC mountains into the Piedmont.
    Thumbs up for a great weather site that’s absolutely worth sharing.

  6. …looking at that storm track reminds me of Hurricane Andrew, at least the part where it turns east over Ohio. That was a Category 5 storm when it made landfall (in FL so it started a bit east), and was so huge it was still producing powerful storms and tornadoes when it got all the way inland to me. My company was all over the place that night because in a widespread damage scenario you break the department up into smaller units, sometimes no more than 2 guys in a marked pickup, and run all over between destructive events to see if SAR is needed, what’s collapsed, what’s on fire, shutting off gas to destroyed buildings, and generally doing districts wide triage where you would coalesce multiple units if you needed to for a rescue or a fire threatening life (you kind of let the dumpsters go under those circumstances). Public communication is generally poor to overwhelmed under these circumstances, so you have to go looking.

    One thing I remember was proof God protects the stupid was that the engine company I was with went to a lightning strike that blew out part of a guy’s roof and maybe was on fire inside. There was crazy lightning all over so even at whatever AM it was at that point, it was like strobing sunlight sometimes. I was a roof rat, so I went up in my shiny new Cairns helmet (NOT Department issue, they did composite ones because, cheap, but a bunch of us got together and bought enough privately to get a rate), which was leather over a steel core. Our ladders were steel too and the boots were deliberately slightly conductive so you could tell if you were around charged, downed lines, and it was still tormenting rain. I was tasked to check the damage and fire on the roof and tarp it if nothing else was going on, so stepped my steel ladder to this house that was on th highest point in the district and went up like a monkey on a stick, making me, my steel helmet, and my soaking turnouts the NEW highest point in the district, with so much lightning it was like being the red-carpet star at a paparazzi convention.

    Maybe not the STUPIDEST thing I ever did, but in the top ten.

    But a God I didn’t even know was merciful yet again that night, and I was able to conclude my task without being fricasseed or my 160 lb ass blown off the roof by tropical force winds.

    God spared me that day, as he did many other times.

    May he spare those in the path of the storm, and those charged to protect and rescue them today, even as he spared my nary little butt that day 28 years ago.

    This prayer is for those who still serve;

    “When I am called to duty, God wherever flames may rage,
    give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.
    Help me to embrace a little child before it’s too late,
    or save an older person from the horror of that fate.
    Enable me to be alert to hear the weakest shout,
    and quickly and efficiently to put the fire out.
    I want to fill my calling and to give the best in me,
    to guard my neighbor and protect his property.
    And if according to your will I have to lose my life,
    bless with your protecting hand my loving family from strife.”

    God Bless and protect them, in this and every crisis.

  7. @Jimmy or anyone else.
    Have been using Ventusky for the last year or so.
    Very easy to customize for your area.
    I live near the shore of Lake Ontario,Great lake forecasting can change rapidly,they have hourly forecasts on Ventusky as do others but they seem to be pretty accurate.

  8. Laura is projected to come straight overhead. But this far inland the bitch will be just a whimper of a tropical storm. Rode out Katrina in Baton Rouge. Cat 3’s are like a summer thunderstorm in comparison.

  9. I don’t bother with local weather on TV. For 10 years, I lived in So Cal and all we ever heard was STORM WATCH 1995 (or whatever year) and they pumped up fear and anxiety. All for a fucking 1 inch of rain. I hate these people.


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