Be Careful Out There Tonight – IOTW Report

Be Careful Out There Tonight


25 Comments on Be Careful Out There Tonight

  1. The entire family is going out to eat and see the new star wars tomorrow [my brother is in town, so it’s a real treat for the youngest], prayers would be appreciated! 😀

  2. I’m not. I’m safe at home nursing a cold with a hot toddy: Jamesons,
    hot water, honey, and lemon.
    They become complicated to make after the fourth. Honey all over the kitchen counter. A mess. Happy New Year All, again.

  3. We’re staying home. I don’t want to meet any drunks nor do I want the CHP meeting me. It’s cheaper to stay at home. Costs me nothing, but a DUI is at least $10,000+. To me that’s a nice vacation and it isn’t in the pokey.:)

  4. Funny post. My son is home from school, spending the night with a friend whose family owns a body shop and wrecker service. He said they are expecting a busy night of towing.

  5. BTW, a friend of mine got arrested for DUI which is a misdemeanor here in CA. She’s 78 and her dead husband was a retired CHP officer. It’s going to cost her around $15,000 when all is said and done and she may not get her license back. GOOD! She shouldn’t of had one in the first place. It was torture following her up the mountain road, I knew it was just a matter of time before she got arrested. I call her “the jail bird” whenever I see her. 🙂

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