Be Careful What You Wish for, J6 Committee – IOTW Report

Be Careful What You Wish for, J6 Committee

Washington Post

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol issued a surprise subpoena seeking testimony from former president Donald Trump on Thursday, a challenge with little historical precedent that members said was a necessary final act before the panel concludes its work. More

Gateway Pundit

A source close to President Trump says that he would love to speak before the sham Jan 6 committee. 

Earlier today President Trump released the following truths. In the first truth, the President asked why corrupt Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn’t call in troops before Jan 6? More

9 Comments on Be Careful What You Wish for, J6 Committee

  1. It’s a procedural trick. Demand a subpoena (so they can say they asked for his testimony), but do it at the last possible moment so that Trump has little to no time to comply (so they can say he refused).

  2. 27 days to fuel TDS syndrome. So they call him to testify Nov 7, stage another fake insurrection and cancel the election. Surely they have hired some of the 87,000 new gestapo agents.

  3. The Jan 6 committee clearly do not understand
    how stupid they are.

    Who doesn’t know this subpoena crap is
    political theatre ?

    Pelosi’s staged video as evidence ?

    Only democrat voters could be so stupid.

    And think about idiot Pelosi,

    Actually pushed around the floor of the House
    by the most junior members of her house and
    cowardly too afraid to put the jerks in their place?

    Are we to think AOC, Tlaib and Omar possess
    more power or intelligence than
    Nancy ( the pig ) herself ?

    I think Nancy and her kids should come forward
    and admit what jerks they are.

    They might save ” face ” that way.

  4. If it weren’t for Cheney, Ryan, Romney, McCarthy lead Republican establishment colluding with Democrats to steal an election in broad daylight we wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with.

    If you support anything having to do with keeping the Republican establishment in control of the Republican Party, you are complicit at this juncture and have been since at least 2016. By that point you should have been able to figure it out on your own, since then what more would anyone need to know who is and who isn’t actively hostile to the interests of the American people? Fuck me, they are not even making an attempt at keeping it secret any longer.

  5. “issued a surprise subpoena seeking testimony from former president Donald Trump”
    What surprise? Who didn’t see that coming months ago?
    Yep, let’s try to impeach him yet again.


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