Be My Valentine 💕 – IOTW Report

Be My Valentine 💕

Images from:

1) Agatha Kakalogical (Charley) It is me and the K9 Love of My Life-Charley. He was 3 years old in this shot. I had him from 5 weeks old until he died in my arms at the age of 16 years and 9 months. It has been 10 years and I still hold him in my heart.
2) Steve (Stanley) Stanley takes a little nap with his one true love – his dinner bowl.
3) SNS (Cardinal) couple

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

2-19 Critters Keeping Warm in Winter – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – How do your critters keep warm?
2-26 Scales, Feathers and Fur – Let’s see all kinds of critters.
3-5 The Nose Knows – Critter noses! Let’s see how many different critters we can get!

Hugs for everyone … Happy Valentine’s Day!!

9 Comments on Be My Valentine 💕

  1. Agatha K, I have a similar story with a long time companion Jellica. She was 16 years and almost 3 months when she passed in mid March 2013. They DO live in our heart forever.🥰

  2. @Bayouwolf 2013 was rough on us.
    I recently met someone who had an Afghan hound named Jelli.
    It is amazing how deeply attached we get to these critters. Blessings!

  3. Anymouse
    FEBRUARY 12, 2023 AT 10:27 AM

    “Cardinals with social distancing…?”

    …this was one of our -16 degree days, and they were watching over some little cardinals going at some food I put out below. Maybe they were spread out to better keep an eye on the kids, or maybe they’d had a fight about why they couldn’t be like snowbirds and go south when it gets stupid out, only they know for sure…

  4. I’ve had 2 dogs after a similar span of years cross the Rainbow Bridge while I held them. It truly, truly sucks and you never forget it.

    God bless you all for the fond remeberances of your fur babies. They go too soon but they bless us while they’re here.

    40 years ago I had a big Lab – 125#, about 3.5′ in the head – I call him moose, the hame on his papers was – – – , MooMoo died in my arms . but he was the greatest dog that ever lived, IMHO!
    Angus is a smaller MooMoo; but not MooMoo! I do love Angus; but Moose was the best. We were sent home from son’s ballgames because his size scared folk – labs are friendly, non violent. Moose and I walked home while wife stayed to take boy home.I will never forget Moose. Went to the local park at 0600 3 straight Sunday after his death
    and cried to God about my dog – alone, no one ever knew!

    Most dogs – to me – are far better than most folk.


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