UPDATE: #BelieveAllHomosexuals – Peter Buttigieg Accused of Sexual Assault – IOTW Report

UPDATE: #BelieveAllHomosexuals – Peter Buttigieg Accused of Sexual Assault

Of course this was a set-up. That’s why you cannot say #BelieveAll Insert Supposedly Oppressed Group Here

*Is it real?

I don’t think that matters, does it? We’ve been indoctrinated into believing all accusations until the accused can prove their innocence.

So, in that spirit, Buttigieg is a despicable piece of filth that needs to resign and go away in shame.

*For the record, the story seems ridiculously thin and sounds an awful lot like someone needling the left for their #MeToo idiocy, and payback for the Kavanaugh circus.


My name is Hunter Kelly. I am 21 years old. This is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do. For the past three nights, I have not slept even a single hour. I have vomited eight times.

I was sexually assaulted by Mayor Pete Buttigieg. I didn’t know who he was back in February, only that he told me he was an important politician. When I started seeing him on television three weeks ago as a Presidential candidate, I thought about coming forward.

I am a gay man. I have been grappling with my identity for a number of years. I live, work, and attend college in rural Michigan. I know that by coming forward, I will make a hard life even harder. But I must do so — I must do so — for my country, for other gay men like me, and most importantly to stop a very bad man from becoming President of the United States.

I must confess that this is the toughest thing I have ever had to do. For two weeks now, I have been contemplating suicide. I see myself jumping from a building or a bridge. I know that years and years of counseling may lie in front of me.

In the days and weeks ahead, I will share my full story with the nation.


More at PJ Media

ht/ marco


Update, 8:01 pm: Big League Politics did some investigation into the allegations, and determined that a Facebook user named Hunter Kelly says he was not the author of the Medium post. My doubts about this story appear to have been confirmed.

Update, 8:31 pm: The Daily Beast has new reporting on the hoax:

A Republican source told The Daily Beast that lobbyist Jack Burkman and internet troll Jacob Wohl approached him last week to try to convince him to falsely accuse Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, of engaging him sexually while he was too drunk to consent.The source who spoke to The Daily Beast said Burkman and Wohl made clear that their goal was to kneecap Buttigieg’s momentum in the 2020 presidential race. The man asked to remain anonymous out of a concern that the resulting publicity might imperil his employment, and because he said Wohl and Burkman have a reputation for vindictiveness.

Hoaxes such as this tend to backfire. Jussie Smollett’s hate crime hoax destroyed his career, all while emboldening Trump supporters who felt they were being universally smeared as racist and homophobic. In 2008, a fake mutilation hoax by a McCain supporter had a similar effect. Whether Pete Buttigieg will use this hoax as proof that conservatives are “scared” of him remains to be seen, but it wouldn’t shock me.

43 Comments on UPDATE: #BelieveAllHomosexuals – Peter Buttigieg Accused of Sexual Assault

  1. Another one of those cases where someone was “sharing” a hotel room and woke up with Vaseline all over their ass.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Wouldn’t this mean that Mayor Buttplugger has been an adulterous wife to his husband? Will Kevin Spacey advise the Mayor in his hour of neediness? When will Ellen DeGenderless have him on her show? What help will Oprah provide this poor misbegotten sodomite? Will he be allowed to jump on her couch? Will the Mayor’s supporters and supplicants demand that his victim recant for the benefit of all the special lovers that won’t shut the hell up? Will this ruin the best thing since Beto jumped on his first tabletop?

  3. Maybe his “husband “ will divorce him for infidelity.
    Buttplug seems more of a receiver than a giver in the butt works.
    Of course it cannot be true as he is happily married and more devout and knowledgeable Christian than VP Pence. Just ask the honorable mayor.

  4. Per Wiki-leaks….” The Dookie chute is a one way orafice designed to vacate ingestible waste from the organism”….faggots that want to stick their “special purpose” up this chute are not usually monogamous, yet still hold onto their Presidential hopes and ambitions….

  5. Gay men are the most perverted people in our culture. The have sex with 30X+ more people than heterosexual men over their lifetime. Sex IS their identity/religion. And they have no qualms about preying on young, confused males. ButtIGet is no different. It’s been their culture for decades.

  6. I’m sure his husband is fine with this and that they both runaround.

    Being married is for political expediency. He’s gay but not Folsom Street Fair gay. This is South Bend, Indiana after all.

    Being married is a cudgel against straight opponents who may have been divorced. Just like his military service.

    He has been checking off boxes for a long time in anticipation of this but I will guarantee that there are some teenagers shoes under his bed and some harder drug use too.

    If not, he’s the most boring gay guy ever. Dating apps have been out for a while and his hubby is probably the roper.

  7. I read where the Mayor was in New York City eating Soul Food with the Revrum Al Sharpton. Tawana Brawley and Jussie Smollett were not able to attend, because they are still busy claiming to be victims of white racism. Rectum-Sex Enthusiasts were observed insisting on Mayor Buttplugger’s innocence and asking for his Grinder account password. How much longer until he is given the Keys to the Castro Street Carnival?


    Now, the trick is, is to get your political enemies that already hate each other to the core, to be at each other’s throat.

    Don’t fight muslims, make muslims fight homosexuals.

  9. If Wohl is behind this then he put himself in legal jeopardy for libel and defamation.

    Sometimes the point of such exercises is to throw a bomb in the beehive and to solicit anyone that may have had an interaction to come forward. It’s dirty pool to be sure but that was what happened against Kavanaugh and made it all the way in front of Congress.

    I’ll stand behind my opinion above as I don’t think Petie went from being in the closet to clipping coupons and going antiquing with his hubby over night.

  10. Given the volume and lack of a filter for the comments about this homosexual (which I have been a contributor), I would argue that he should abandon his bid to be POTUS.

    Most people are going to have zero respect for him because of his deviant, perverted life style CHOICE and he will forever be known as Pete Buttplug.

    I really don’t want the wrath of God poured down on us like Sodom for his election.

  11. Just watch Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s character assassins come to the deviant Mayor’s aid and comfort in the next twelve hours. Assemble the same outraged MSDM that believed Jussie Smollett was the victim of a frozen assault and low tech lynching by white Trump supporters. Round up the usual hypocrites!

  12. Buttigieg couldn’t molest a butterfly.
    Too weak. Too sissy.
    Catcher – not pitcher.

    Infants and toddlers – butt no 20 y/olds.
    An 8 y/o would bend him over and make him bleed.
    America’s Arafat.

    izlamo delenda est …


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