Ben Shapiro off to Mizzou- Will debate ‘phantom white privilege’ – IOTW Report

Ben Shapiro off to Mizzou- Will debate ‘phantom white privilege’

ben shapiro

RAP- Young America’s Foundation excitedly announced Monday afternoon that they are sending Ben Shapiro to the University of Missouri. Shapiro is a New York Times bestselling author and columnist, who is also the editor-in-chief of and editor at large for Breitbart.

YAF mentions that with a lecture he will “confront” the “protesters face-to-face, denouncing their behavior and invading their sacred ‘safe space’ with the raw truth about free speech.”

Fortunately, they have accounted for and are already expecting “protest and disruption.” – Read more

8 Comments on Ben Shapiro off to Mizzou- Will debate ‘phantom white privilege’

  1. Wow. Such bravery. Sending a Christian into the lions den.
    I wish him well, and good luck. And a good security detail to protect him. He’ll need it.
    Please post more as or after it happens. I’d LOVE to see the Libtards heads spin and go ‘splody, but I don’t think that will happen. The Libtards will riot and shout Mr Shapiro down, nothing constructive will be accomplished. Except that it will show the Libtards that there is at least ONE brave MAN willing to confront them and their lies and propaganda.

  2. Being an old audio guy, I would stack the deck with a sound system capable of completely drowning out any protesters.
    Ear protection will be distributed at the door, but only conservatives are the type to use them.
    A system so loud and clear that sissy protesters all go running from the Godlike booming of my voice spreading reason and sound judgement at 110 decibels.

    I predict a full on melee. Not being able to shake him with shouting, I predict these petty tyrants rush the stage to shut him down. They should give him a regular mic with a stand, or preferably a flame thrower, so he has something to defend himself with until the security guys get there.

  3. “If the administration at all values free speech,”
    At Mizzou? Really? Who’s your joke writer?
    Right now the inmates (students) are running the asylum, and the admin is kow-towing to PCness.

  4. “……he will confront the protesters face-to-face, denouncing their behavior and invading their ‘safe space’ with the raw truth about freedom of speech.”

    Sounds good. He should confiscate their blanket while he’s at it.

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