Bernie Sanders is Grade-A Hypocrite – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders is Grade-A Hypocrite





Bernie Sanders is super upset about the reductions in domestic spending in President Trump’s budget.

Because “the poor!!!!!!”

This morning, the man with three houses tweeted out this:

We are living in a nation which worships wealth rather than caring for the poor. I don’t think that is the nation we should be living in.

Says the guy who worships wealth so much he owns three homes and takes advantage of every possible tax deduction he can.

The truth is, one look at his tax returns pretty much confirms that Bernie Sanders isn’t just a hypocrite.

He’s a Grade-A Hypocrite.

When he was running for President, Sanders released his 2014 tax returns which revealed that he and his wife donated $8,350 to charity.

Sure, that seems like a lot. And it would be for someone who’s adjusted gross income is less than fifty grand.

But for Bernie Sanders – lover of the poor and owner of three houses – it’s chicken feed.

10 Comments on Bernie Sanders is Grade-A Hypocrite

  1. Thank you Fur/MJA
    This state needs more ink regarding it’s identity as the West Coast of New England. The recent election event in Rutland is reminiscent of the fly-over states call to arms for Trump v. Hillbilly. PLEASE – KEEP UP THE PRESSURE

  2. The left is always conflating peoples personal problems into “social” problems that require the left to become the absolute ruler.

    Someone’s personal problem (like being poor) is not a “social” problem requiring we gut the rule of law and give the left totalitarian control over society.

  3. The defecRats gave their constituents two choices:
    The bride of Satan who will gladly steal everything that isn’t nailed down or a miserable, old fart who will gladly give away everything he doesn’t own.
    Bullet dodged!

  4. how the phuck can this twatwaffle collect over $46,000 in Social Security & still get a Senator salary of $156,000???

    gee, Wally … doesn’t SS stop at $31,000? … & doesn’t SS penalize you with lower payments if you make over $14,000?

    gee Beav, dunno … how the phuck is this even LEGAL?

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