Bernie Sanders, the Low-Info voters’ Candidate – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders, the Low-Info voters’ Candidate

NBC polling data shows Bernie Sanders with a lock on ‘low information voters’

American Thinker: With Venezuela’s grand failure of socialism, it would probably take a stupid person to ever support the idea of electing a socialist candidate here.

Sure enough, something like it is going on. Look at what the Daily Wire is reporting today:

An NBC poll which debuted Sunday on “Meet the Press” revealed a characteristic about Bernie Sanders (I-VT) voters that wasn’t exactly flattering.

It turns out, the less you pay attention to politics, the more likely you are to support the socialist option for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

“The less you are paying attention, the more likely you are a Bernie Sanders supporter,” Todd says, pointing to a Monmouth poll taken recently showing that Sanders is losing definite ground to both former Vice President Joe Biden and a suddenly-much-stronger Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who has jumped between 5 and 6 points in the polls since Biden entered the race.

The implication, of course, is that Sanders voters are “low information.”

Now, we all know people who aren’t stupid who support Bernie Sanders. If we don’t know them, personally, we know of them. Camille Paglia is a prominent Sanders supporter and nobody would ever dream of calling her stupid. They might hate her. But they’d be in thin ice if they questioned her intelligence.  more here

7 Comments on Bernie Sanders, the Low-Info voters’ Candidate

  1. Bernie knows a lot more about Socialism than The Sniffer having practiced and aced the subject by getting kicked out of commune for being lazy. What’s more Socialistic than that? And The Sniffer is approaching the point where he won’t be able to spell the word.

  2. I question Paglia’s intelligence. I consider her a political and cultural gadfly who is all over the place. She calls herself a libertarian who will vote for Bernie Sanders. Her favorite subjects seems to be sex and American culture. Actually, those two things seem to be an obsession with her.

    To her credit, she pisses off feminists, but that is not difficult to do. Everything pisses off feminists.

  3. It’s not just Bernie, the entire assembly of 2020 candidates excreted from the democrat ranks represents some of the most putrid, vile and utterly loathsome individuals you’re ever likely to see.
    The fact that these are the party’s cream of the crop demonstrates just how low as a country we’ve sunk.

  4. Still waiting for VP picks…Which one of the idiots will pick the

    biggest virtue signaler…Black Man or Black Woman?

    Maybe a Black Woman with a handicap…Like “Mattress Back”


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