Beto Hogg exposes his inner fascist – IOTW Report

Beto Hogg exposes his inner fascist

Patriot Retort:

I was wrong.  Beto O’Rourke isn’t morphing into Eric Swalwell; he’s morphing into David Hogg. Of course, I did christen Eric Swalwell the David Hogg of Presidential Candidates. So maybe Beto Hogg is just picking up where poor loser Eric Hogg left off.

Much like the Pusillanimous Pompadour of Parkland, Beto Hogg doesn’t know what in the hell he’s talking about, but since a murder spree took place in his hometown, he thinks he has the moral authority to violate your Constitutionally-protected rights.

Spoiler alert: He doesn’t.

Yet ever since his floundering campaign decided to exploit the shooting in El Paso to goose his poll numbers, Beto Hogg has doubled down on his unconstitutional rhetoric.

And in doing so, he’s revealed his inner fascist.

Beto O’Rourke✔@BetoORourke
We need to buy back every single assault weapon. …Molly Hensley-Clancy✔@mollyhcA reporter asked Beto in Charlottesville how he’d reassure people afraid the gov’t would take their assault weapons away.

“I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do,” he said. If you own an AK-47 or AR-15, “you’ll have to sell them to the government.”

And what kind of guns does Beto Hogg define as “assault weapons?”

Well, the most popular semi-automatic rifle in the country.

But how does one “buy back” something one never sold in the first place? more here

10 Comments on Beto Hogg exposes his inner fascist

  1. ‘What kind of guns does Beto define as “assault weapons”?’ – exactly
    If the answer is that it looks intimidating, then put me on the list for banning all ms-13 members with their tattoos. Oops, was that insensitive?

  2. If the rationale is that guns kill people and to make it safe we deny the tool to the killer, wouldn’t it be better to ban Democrats since the majority of the mass killers in the last decade were affiliated either by ideology or sympathy to Democrats? If Democrats are predominantly mass killers, let’s get rid of all of them. For the children. If it saves just one life….

  3. Does that include his security protection too? Btw, the shooter in Odessa TX failed his background check. ‘Splain to me Spanglish Beto your plans to deal with that. ‘Splain to me who you’ll send into south side Chicago or Compton to confiscate illegally obtained firearms from the gangs.

    Just 1 out of 1,000,000 reasons why he’ll never be president.


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