‘Beyond The Pale’: Trump Jr. Spokesman Fires Back At Threats From Democratic Congressman – IOTW Report

‘Beyond The Pale’: Trump Jr. Spokesman Fires Back At Threats From Democratic Congressman

DC: Donald Trump Jr. spokesman Andrew Surabian fired back at Democratic California Rep. John Garamendi for making threatening comments Friday on MSNBC.

Responding to Trump Jr.’s allegation that some Democrats would like the Coronavirus to explode in order to distract from President Donald Trump’s successes, Garamendi told MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson that the president’s son should avoid him for his own safety.

Garamendi said his main concern was what he saw as the administration’s failure to respond adequately to the threat. He also appeared insulted by Trump Jr.’s comments.

“Don Jr. better not get close to me,” Garamendi told Jackson. “It would not be a healthy situation.” read more

16 Comments on ‘Beyond The Pale’: Trump Jr. Spokesman Fires Back At Threats From Democratic Congressman

  1. Don Jr. should have taken him up on his challenge.

    Like this: I have enough courage to meet you at a neutral site…let’s see if you have enough courage to meet me there and start a physical altercation.

    I don’t think Don Jr. would have anything to worry about. I doubt Garamendi would even show up.

    That would be more manly than having your spokesman lodge a complaint.

    We conservos have to stand up to these liberal weenies.

  2. “Don Jr. better not get close to me,” Garamendi told Jackson. “It would not be a healthy situation.”

    Maybe Garamendi has coronavirus? That WOULDN’T be healthy. Quarantine the prick.

  3. I love it when democrats talk all rough and masculine. Like when my Petey B does during cosplay when he dresses up like Sponge Bob and I sport my anemic Patrick costume!

  4. Garamendi was a corrupt cunt when I lived in CA – obviously he’s been busy stretching it since then…
    Yes, I’d like to see a few of these tuff gyes show more than big mouths, but…

  5. Says the tough guy pederast who’s busy raping little boys in the basement of the Capitol. He better not go near my son or it would be an unhealthy situation. Demofag


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