Is this a BFH Dream or Nightmare? – IOTW Report

Is this a BFH Dream or Nightmare?

17 Comments on Is this a BFH Dream or Nightmare?

  1. That freaking bird can motor-looked like they were doing over 30mph-if I was the guy filming it, I’d a been leery of that bird stopping and grabbing a hunk of me as I went by.

    Reminds me of the time I was riding and gave a bunch of Mexicans some shit about something-so 2 or 3 of them started chasing me-what a hoot-they were swearing to kill me for about a half a block and then they were gassed.

  2. Create a cartoon of a bird chasing stuff, add in a large dog or something trying to catch it, and call it Road Racer. Make the bird honk like a semi, and have the dog order crazy wacko inventions from somewhere to help him catch it. I’m telling you, its a great idea. Video games, lunch boxes. Could make a mint. I’m going to start a gofundme right now.

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