Bicycle Gangs Of New York – IOTW Report

Bicycle Gangs Of New York

Police are seeking members of a rogue ban of bike riders who took to 7th Avenue in Manhattan causing series risk to themselves, damaging vehicles and assaulting drivers. Witnesses claim this isn’t the first time they’ve disrupted traffic, but now they’ve become roving vandals as well.  More

29 Comments on Bicycle Gangs Of New York

  1. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

    The new nonjudgmental mindset: Two murders in a park in a good residential neighborhood in the Big City near me. One resident said “I am not mad at the person, I am mad at their actions.” Another said “This will help focus the conversation we should be having as a community about the root causes.”

  2. I always thought the end of the world would come on motorcycles with guys named “Toe Cutter”, “The Nightrider” and “Bubba”.

    To see it come on peddle bikes by someone probably named “Xander” just makes me giggle like I’m being hit with laughing gas.

  3. Bicyclists in the heart of MAJOR CITIES, make GREAT hood ornaments.

    In the immortal words of Leonard Cohen, “First we take PITTSBURGH – THEN we take NEW YORK!!!” >:->

  4. All of these ideas are very humorous and entertaining but are likely to get you charged with some life destroying criminal charges and open yourself up to being the payee of the ghetto lottery to these creeps.
    Honestly, what could we do in such a circumstance?

  5. Being terrorized?
    By liberal pukes on bicycles?
    They just haven’t run into the right person yet. A good buddy of my told some guy writing checks with his mouth in a bar that his ass had no way of cashing:
    “You know, there are people that just hang around all day and wait for someone just like you to come along.”

  6. How bout a projectile, sort of like an arrow, with a body, but not a tail, that will go through spokes? Inconsiderate a holes would learn the art of face planting real fast. Kids on skate boards, sling shots. This has all kinds of potential.

  7. Did a few of them look muslimy to you?
    Anyway,what happened to the rude, take no shit New Yorkers I grew up hearing about and seeing on TV? Where are the next set of Guardian Angels? Are all the men at Starbucks getting their steam on? Did they leave the state? WTF?

  8. Liberal dorks on bicycles have been doing this in San Francisco for years. They call themselves ‘critical mass’.
    I think it’s even spread to other cities using the critical mass moniker.

  9. Is this going to be on tourist advertisements for NYC? What a super opportunity for some creative person to make a mock DeBlasio’s NYC tourism ad. Highlights, homelesstents, poop on streets, graffiti, thugs, sanctuary city perks, and bicycle gangs.

  10. A long thin metal wire tied to a poll across the street, when the gang rides by, pull the wire across the road and cause them all to crash. Then 20 guys run out with baseball bats and go to town.

    Hey a guy can dream can’t he?

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