Biden Admin Says It’s Approved More Oil Drilling Permits Than the Trump Admin. Its Own Data Show Otherwise. – IOTW Report

Biden Admin Says It’s Approved More Oil Drilling Permits Than the Trump Admin. Its Own Data Show Otherwise.

WFB: The Biden administration has approved more than 1,000 fewer oil permits in its first three years than the Trump administration did in the same timeframe, according to internal Interior Department documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Those documents directly contradict the drilling permit data the agency has shared with the public, which environmental groups have used to argue for more restrictive federal oil and gas policies. more

24 Comments on Biden Admin Says It’s Approved More Oil Drilling Permits Than the Trump Admin. Its Own Data Show Otherwise.

  1. CNN viewers will repeat that back to you as if it is a facts. They will stake their lives on it.

    Ah buddy of mine and I were talking about how these Zombie like Libtards end up believing everything that CNN says. He’s about my age. And he mentioned when he was in high school they had a hypnotist come in for a school rally. I’d been through the exact same thing and had totally forgotten about it. So long story short, I think it’s just short of 70% of people are easily hypnotized. My pal and I fell into the category of “it ain’t happening”.
    I was one of the students called down on the gym floor. We sat in two rows, back to back. So the hypnotist is working his way down the line making people do stupid shit. Crow like roosters, that kind of crap. With very little work. He gets to me and was swinging some damd thing in front of my face telling me to relax. Nada. So he kind of laughed and moved on to the cheerleader seated next to me. He tells her I’m the man of her dreams, I wish she was hot. Next thing you know she’s sitting on my lap kissing me on the cheek with her arms wrapped around me.

    So how far have they taken MK Ultra? Can they program/hypnotize people through a TV screen. My story took place back in 1972/73. And I can’t remember exactly what he was doing to render my fellow students into total fools, but it wasn’t much. Just listen to our trolls that show up here. Project, project, project.
    I’m willing to bet that the majority of IOTW readers fit in that “can’t be hypnotized” category.

  2. ^^^^^^ I’m on Amazon right now looking for those glasses. I know that sounds far fetched. But if you argue enough with some of these idiots you start wondering.

  3. It used to be shocking to watch the Clintons tell one group what they wanted to hear in the morning then take the exact opposite position in front of a different audience a few hours later. They got away with that for years. No wonder Biden thinks he too can get away with lying out both sides of his mouth.

  4. Brad – buddy of mine and I were talking about how these Zombie like Libtards end up believing everything that CNN says.

    Makes you wonder if we could start a Subliminal Thought Theory about CNN!
    “Don’t watch CNN, they have subliminal thought Zombie programming going on!”
    I you’re susceptible to Hypnosis, you’ll probably buy it!

    Hey who knows, maybe the Dipshit Commies at CNN are really trying it to sell their propaganda!

  5. And the Biden administration lies about everything. Those who support it have to be mind controlled or complete idiots devoid of any rationality, reason or common sense. Supporting an entity that works diligently to destroy your way of life, your freedom and your security is complete lunacy tenfold.

  6. Harry
    How my buddy and I evolved to that topic is we were talking about people, business people, that are required to make logical decisions daily. And then when you start talking politics with them their brains go to mush. From that standpoint it makes sense.

  7. What else would a far-right publication say? Very very simple-minded communist types, just following Trumpism propaganda. When they have nothing they just make lies up, nothing new here. They want to install a totalitarian dictraitor conman to destroy America. Hand America over to Putin & Fatass lil Kim, Trump’s idols.
    The court lifted some of FTD gag orders prior to the conman’s sentencing. Up up & away to Gitmo bay. Their saying waterboard sports are in cause of the heat.
    Enjoy & FDT, the mubble-fuk coward.

  8. “I’m willing to bet that the majority of IOTW readers fit in that “can’t be hypnotized” category.”

    Or only we can hypnotize ourselves. I’m pretty good at that.

  9. There are many types of krackers.
    And sum even turn against their own kind & color. In the end all just a bunch of hillbilly degenerative types who like pickin dingle-berries from each other’s ass on hot summer nights.

  10. I started learning to play trumpet in the 4th grade. Sometimes I would concentrate so hard that I hypnotized myself, or maybe went into a trance, so that I was totally unaware of anything but the music.


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