Biden calls for Bernie to babysit his supporters better – IOTW Report

Biden calls for Bernie to babysit his supporters better


[…] “Two top Culinary Union officials have faced threatening phone calls, emails and tweets and say their personal information was shared online after the release of a union scorecard that took particular aim at Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders,” The Nevada Independent reported last week.

“Secretary-Treasurer Geoconda Arguello-Kline, for instance, has come under attack for her Nicaraguan heritage, and union spokeswoman Bethany Khan was accused of being paid off by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other Democratic establishment types. In tweets, the union and its leadership have been referred to as ‘b—-es,’ ‘w—e,’ ‘f—ing scab’ and ‘evil, entitled a–holes.’”

While Sanders isn’t personally responsible for this harassment, Biden argued, he needs to take “some accountability.” more

13 Comments on Biden calls for Bernie to babysit his supporters better

  1. …Bernie NEVER accepts ANY responsibility for the bad behavior of his Bros, and yet somehow 𝙸̲ am responsible as a White man for ALL the bad behavior by ANY White man throughout the ENTIRE sweep of human history from the dawn of Time to the End of the Universe, regardless of whether it’s real or imagined, go figure…

  2. @ mickey moussaoui FEBRUARY 17, 2020 AT 3:36 PM

    The “Democrat coalition” has been one big marriage of convenience for decades. I have always felt that it had the makings of the mother of all domestic violence incidents once the fighting starts

  3. Yeah pretty much a good idea to attack your base and disown them. For a guy that dealt with Corn Pop this sure was a big issue to tackle. Keep making popcorn because this dem primary just gets better and better.


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