Biden Calls Iowa ‘Key to the Kingdom’ While Campaign Says It’s Not Must-Win – IOTW Report

Biden Calls Iowa ‘Key to the Kingdom’ While Campaign Says It’s Not Must-Win


Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign said Iowa wasn’t a must-win state for his hopes of winning the Democratic nomination, but Biden said in a recent interview the first caucus state held the “key to the kingdom.”

A senior adviser told campaign reporters at a background briefing Tuesday that Iowa was “critical” but downplayed the significance of winning it.

“Do I think we have to win Iowa? No,” the adviser said. According to Politico, the campaign went on to lay out how it was already preparing for Super Tuesday.

However, Biden toldNPR in an interview posted Tuesday that Iowa was critical to winning the nomination. more here

6 Comments on Biden Calls Iowa ‘Key to the Kingdom’ While Campaign Says It’s Not Must-Win

  1. Iowa might be some kind of bellwether State (or not) but I’m wondering what States are actually the “must win” States for this election.

    Anyone know, and know the current (real) political condition they are in?

  2. Come on Man! It’s the biggest Big Top for clowns since Barnum and Bailey. Everyone knows this. Take Biden’s word as a Biden. It’s a big f’ing deal! It’s where all the rest of the clowns get put in their place. It’s where Our Joey shows all those other clowns who is the biggest clown of them all. Come on Man! China is not in competition with us! Come on Man! Even my wife knows that I’m probably barely electable if things go to Hell with the economy. Come on Man! Go easy with me, kid. I’m the front runner. Just wait and see how different things are going to be this time. Just wait until President My Boss finally endorses me. Come on Man!

  3. Obama thought there were 57 states. Biden probably was confused.

    Biden is, and always was a dunce. Busting him now is revealing of the cartoonish lev (though an evil one) of Obama.


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