Biden Can’t Even Get His Infrastructure Bill Passed Through Reconciliation – IOTW Report

Biden Can’t Even Get His Infrastructure Bill Passed Through Reconciliation


The White House admitted Wednesday that Senate Democrats lack the votes to pass the $3.5 trillion reconciliation “infrastructure” framework agreed upon Tuesday evening.

“If there were enough votes for each of these priorities there would be a vote and it would have happened,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said about the two track infrastructure proposals the Democrats are attempting to pass, one via filibuster- immune reconciliation and the other by a traditional vote. More

4 Comments on Biden Can’t Even Get His Infrastructure Bill Passed Through Reconciliation

  1. The Big Push must be to spread the info and keep the pressure and focus on Arizona. If they decertify that election, forget about the fuckmg dementia patient, they remove, recall, impeach, whaqtever they do to Mark Scumbag Kelly. he must be be the scalp they go after. He must be targeted. That is something the media criminals and demorat scum can not ignore and pretend is not happening. When the story becomes kelly is going to lose his seat and the senate seat falls to a repubicon, the whole country will accept the fact that the election was lost by Biden. Chaos will ensue. Magnificent.


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