Biden DOJ Crusade to Jail Young Man for Anti-Hillary Memes Just Got Much Uglier – IOTW Report

Biden DOJ Crusade to Jail Young Man for Anti-Hillary Memes Just Got Much Uglier


Last month, Revolver profiled the Biden Administration’s persecution of former Twitter anon Doug Mackey, who was a famous pro-Trump voice back in 2016 under the moniker of Ricky Vaughn.

For those whose memory is foggy, a quick review: In the late stages of the 2016 race, Mackey posted several memes, designed to resemble Hillary Clinton campaign images, claiming that supporters could vote by simply texting a phone number.

The memes were a Twitter-generation version of the common joke about telling one’s political opponents to turn out for the election next Wednesday. But, in an unprecedented move, the Biden Administration says Mackey violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by systematically acting to strip Americans of their civil rights. The KKK Act was passed to prevent literal assaults and terrorism that prevented black Americans from voting, but now the DOJ’s prosecutors say it applies to satirical online speech — they say Mackey broke the law, even though they can’t produce a single person who failed to vote due to Mackey’s stunt. MORE

12 Comments on Biden DOJ Crusade to Jail Young Man for Anti-Hillary Memes Just Got Much Uglier

  1. Everything is illegal, somehow. But the enforcement… well, that is up to the DOJ then, isn’t it? We’ll just enforce against those we don’t like.

  2. Thanks Mitch! had “turtle” not moved Heaven and earth to confirm Garland; Garland would not be here!

    “Bush Republicans are Democrat”! Was right 25 years ago and Mitch proves its still right!

  3. I operate under the principle that all forms of speech must remain free, but the speaker must realize that in some instances there are civil consequences (e.g. a defamation lawsuit). Surprisingly, it is not automatically a criminal act to yell “fire” in a crowded theater although the speaker may be subject to civil liability for any patrons injured in a panic to get out. In rare cases, the speaker may be subject to criminal liability if he or she intended to cause physical harm or injury to another. But the mere act of yelling “fire” is not unlawful.

    With regard to memes, there may be a civil action for anyone who was induced to not vote because of the meme. But this is a private action which must be brought by the person who was induced to not vote – not the government. And it is not a criminal violation based on discrimination because “stupid” is not a protected class – “stupid” applies to anyone of any age, race, culture, gender, sexual preference, etc. Indeed, the government’s assumption that this meme was intended to induce black folks to not vote and thus violated federal statutes designed to protect black folks is essentially categorizing black people as “stupid” and thus not only insulting, but discriminatory as well.

    But what does anyone expect from a jackbooted DOJ?


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