Biden Freezes On Stage – The Left Says It’s a Lie and Shows Highly Edited Clip – IOTW Report

Biden Freezes On Stage – The Left Says It’s a Lie and Shows Highly Edited Clip

Here is the freeze.

Here is the “proof” that his locking up and being led off the stage by Obama, the handler, is a “lie.”

Watch the despicable left do a nifty edit and go to an extreme long shot so you can’t see the doddering old fool.

12 Comments on Biden Freezes On Stage – The Left Says It’s a Lie and Shows Highly Edited Clip

  1. Yah, it’s the lefties projecting again, saying somebody ELSE lied.

    If I had a dollar for every time the lefties lied, drinks would be my treat. Forever.

  2. “Whoreditor…Is that a word? It should be.

    At the end of that sad, robotic shuffle, Barky was just pushing Biden in the back, not even trying to hide his contempt for his broken puppet. Might has well have snagged Sundown Joe with a giant hook.

    I guess having to choke down the “81 million votes” lie every day is just too much to swallow, even for an experienced cocksucker like Barky.

  3. Remember when HIGHLY CREDENTIALED Yale shrink, Dr. Bandy Lee, declared President Trump unfit to serve? (Dr. Bandy Lee is a forensic psychiatrist, social psychiatrist, and a world expert on violence who taught at Yale School of Medicine and Yale Law School for 17 years before transferring her activities to Columbia and Harvard.) Odd that such a brainiac doesn’t seem to notice anything wrong with Biden, dontcha think?


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