Biden: ‘I’m no Bernie Sanders’ – IOTW Report

Biden: ‘I’m no Bernie Sanders’

sanders and biden

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Vice President Joe Biden drew a distinction with his potential Democratic presidential rival Bernie Sanders on Thursday, portraying himself as more of a “realist” than Sanders, who he called a “populist.”

“I’m no Bernie Sanders,” Biden told the crowd at the Concordia Summit in New York. “He’s a great guy by the way. He really is. I’m not a populist. But I’m a realist.”  more here


11 Comments on Biden: ‘I’m no Bernie Sanders’

  1. Well, Bernie’s a National Socialist and I’m more of a Intra-National Socialist. Hope that declears the statement, somewhat.

    An I know it would beclown America to vote for neither of us and vote for that Bitch Hill … uhh … stay on topic … stay on topic … I devise that any Demonrat would be more gooder than not.

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